Splinterlands: Lux Vega is dominating Modern League! (and kicking my ass)

By NoZem | Nozem01 Splinterlands | 5 Sep 2024




Good morning everyone and welcome back to my Splinterlands blog! Today I will be making a post for this weeks social media challenge, the theme is the same as last weeks:


🔥 Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!


The most remarkable thing this week isn't a good thing for me actually, because the start of the new season has been VERY challenging for me. I ended last season in Gold 1 so I dropped down to Gold 3 again but with me, a lot of stronger players did and they have been wrecking me 😅
Most splinterlands posts, including my own feature success stories but this has to be mentioned also, this game is very competitive and I actually don't mind a losing streak, and try to analyse the battles for what is going wrong for me, and it's quite obvious, the team that really stands out and is dominating Modern Gold for now is Lux Vega with a max level Arkemis the Bear as the tank!






Yesterday evening and this morning again, it's been ALL Lux Vega teams I met, and to be fair, when you have her, you don't need much else to win apparently because they have been VERY successful.
Lux can only be bought as a max level and she is currently selling for $164, only 7 cards are on the market right now, when you want to rent her, the best daily price is currently 86 DEC per day, or $0.06 cents at current DEC value.


Lux can be seen as a Kelya Frendul 2.0 in my opinion, she gives the same perks AND +1 health, and she can be used in every battle because she is from the Neutral splinter.
But because I have most Chaos Legion rare summoners, and some legendary at max level and the others at gold level I'm not going to buy her, compared to other summoners she's way more expensive than other legendary summoners, for example, Possibilus the Wise is $38 at max level.
In my opinion, having multiple summoners with different boosts and nerfs makes your team more versatile, so what's wrong with the battles and why do I keep losing?

I think it's just one card that keeps beating me!






A max level Arkemis is a real pain in the ass, and my Arkemis is only at level 4, where it has protect and halving, halving is annoying too, but the forcefield and enrage makes it a beast...

Arkemis is currently selling for $24.57 or $0.061 per BCX, a max level common has 400 BCX.
There is currently only one max level on the entire market!





Damn.. only one... and I don't like renting...

Since I had some MATIC on the sideline, while making this post I decided to fomo in on this one 🤣 but CRAP, matic deposits are disabled on tribaldex and can take several weeks due to polygon changing their native token from MATIC to POL.. Gotta love crypto!
Ok... new route, swapping to BNB and depositing that to tribaldex... selling my BNB to swap.hive... selling my swap.hive to DEC... importing the DEC in to my Splinterlands account...


No wonder regular people think crypto is too complicated, because it really is!!


This took me a few minutes, and usually scout the market on monstermarket.io because I like their overview better, the buying I usually do at aqualis market because I get a better fee refund there AND they burn the rest of the DEC fee, every little drop counts to get DEC back to peg and it will all benefit us, it's really a two sided knife, a win - win!

OK... navigating to Aqualis.. searching for Arkemis...





FK! it's gone, I've seen this card for a few days on the market already, this really sucks 😒

I can't believe my bad luck, checking again on monstermarket..




WTF, it's still there 😅 I'm not wasting time in how this is possible haha, buying from monstermarket this time!






I'm blogging for quite some time already but never have I decided to buy a card while making a new post 🤣
So, hopefully my future battles will be somewhat easier now I own the bear myself, but as I say many times in my posts, what's a Splinterlands post without a battle, and most posts contain WINNING battles, let's break one down to see what goes wrong for me!



The battle I want to share for this post is an epic fail, it's a 52 mana Modern League, Up to eleven, Unprotected, Equalizer ruleset battle with only Earth and Death open to be chosen from, with these limited options and considering both splinters are pretty potent in magic attackers, I chose to go with Immortalis.



First look at the battlefield:




Wow, my team creation was exactly what I didn't need, or in other words, my opponent made a perfect team to counter my team, well done! Bringing Thane Newsong was a big mistake because now my Grund will hit Arkemis Forcefield and only do 1 damage, at the same time my focus was anti magic but most of the team is heavy on range damage, this will NOT end well...


My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Immortalis - reason: Void.
  • First position: Grund - reason: High damage double striker.
  • Second position: Mycelic Slipspawn - reason: Take the heat from my tank so it can do it's job.
  • Third position: Goblin Psychic - reason: Silence, Heal.
  • Fourth position: Lurking Puffer - reason: Silence.
  • Fifth position: Ava the Daunted - reason: Weapons Trainer.
  • Sixth position: Thane Newsong - reason: Inspire.


The Battle:




Round 1: Once Arkemis gets enraged my team had so many misses while the other team make quick work on killing my Taunt unit, at the same time my tanks damage output is halved, which doesn't make much difference anyway because it will probably miss most attacks anyway... 😏




Round 2: Miss, miss, miss.... yeah.. this isn't the best battle for me, now my tank died too it's just mopping up the rest of my team...




Round 3: I didn't even had the chance to kill ONE monster yet, so many misses...




Round 4: Ava got to the first position, unable to fire, it's over! Well played @jaymico2 🙂

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.


Conculusion: It's not Lux Vega that is the dominating monster, it just requires less money in total when you have her because you don't have to buy or rent every specific summoners for every splinter, Arkemis is the key card here!


So, next week maybe I can make a new Social Media Challenge success story as a part 2 on this post 😉



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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Crypto fan and BTC HODLer from The Netherlands

Nozem01 Splinterlands
Nozem01 Splinterlands

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