
PS5 revealed and New games.

By noBeans | noBeans - Crypto | 13 Jun 2020

As mentioned in my earlier post about PS5 event, PS5 has finally been revealed. Along with the PS5 reveal several new games were also teased.


The Whole Package

whole package

Below are the games teased.

Hitman III

Horizon Forbidden West

Sequel to the massively popular Horizon Dawn developed by Guerrilla Games.

Resident Evil Village

The 8th entry follows up on the story of Ethan from RE7.

Demon's Souls

We all knew Bluepoint studios were remastering a sony classic and now we know it's Demon's Souls. The game that inspired Dark Souls series which i count as the most impactful game of the decade that created a whole new genre of gaming.

Ratchet & Clank:Rift Apart

Marvel's Spider-Man:Miles Morales

The standalone expansion to Spider-Man. This time focusing on Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker.

These were some of the biggest games teased during the event. Although the design of the console has been unveiled (which looks very futuristic to say the least) the price is yet to be revealed.

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