93% Yield Farmers Claim to Have More Than 500% ROI, Survey Says

By Abhimanyu Krishnan | News | 22 Sep 2020

CoinGecko published a new survey on Yield Farming on September 21 gives some key insights into the state of the service and its popularity with traders.

  • CoinGecko conducted the survey to learn about the sustainability of yield farming, trader understanding of the features and industry pain points
  • The data platform surveyed nearly 1,350 investors in August 2020, discovering several key findings
  • 93% of farmers received a 500+% return on their investments, with CoinGecko suggesting the majority of these traders were investors who used over $1000 in capital
  • Only 23% of participants carried out yield farming in the last 2 months, with each token making up for less than 10% of an individual’s holdings
  • 52% of investors used less than $1,000 in capital, and high gas fees was cited as the major concern
  • Perhaps most significantly, 40% of investors do not understand how the related smart contracts work and the risks, if any
  • After Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), the most popular assets in investors’ holdings are Chainlink (LINK), Polkadot (DOT) and Tron (TRX)
  • CoinGecko concludes that high yield programs are unsustainable, but that it is here to stay

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Abhimanyu Krishnan
Abhimanyu Krishnan

Technophile, cryptocurrency enthusiast and journalist.


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