Blank Page Reasoning

By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 8 Dec 2022


blank page reasoning

Faced with the whiteness of the monitor screen, pursuant to an idea, and ideal that would favor with random, strangers' eyes to fall to its witness, what words will manifest a reason for its consumption short of an amazing insight of reason to ponder, a reason to move forward to the next word, sentence, paragraph, page, pages; concluding to the end of that being want to be said, but in `the end' discover no truth to reason was gained. Would this render a sentiment of default upon the reader, a feeling of having been duped into expending life's precious moments of being to no reward of advancement in intellect, no consumable product to be taken away, little less in a bag of paper waste? Maybe this is `the end' to which you have reached by subscribing to the completion of this entry, from this stranger to whom your reaction can be dutifully rendered furthering the deepening anx of hostility for so having been taken down a road to a blank page reasoning.  (If there is to be any consolation: the forgoing was conceived and written as a flowing train of thought put to word)

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