GOODNEWS Brave Sync Version 2 Is Now Live On GitHub, Soon To Be Released On PC, Android And iOS

By Dominus1 | My News Gh | 20 May 2020

8bf398e888b4c6fbc56ba1acb7c111a7002788ce35f6d4a5b162bc87e3482f65.jpegBrave Browser users cries and pleas have been heard.

Brave Sync is now live and being tested on GitHub for final release on the next browser update.

Many Brave users have been voicing out to have Brave sync back so they can sync their browsers on all their devices.

Brave sync was disabled for a known bug which prevented users from successfully syncing their browsers across their devices.


The good news was shared by a brave dev team member called @BraveSampson (your go to guy). He is quoted as writing on his Twitter platform;

"Exciting news! The Sync version 2 repository is now live on GitHub: And with it, an absolute monster first pull request. Here we go! Grinning face with smiling eyes"

Recently, Brave Browser was ranked the number one most used web browser by Japanese citizens in the Asian country.

Brave rewards users with $BAT Token for their attention on the web. Users can also opt in to receive privacy respecting Ads and get paid with BAT Token.

Are you excited to have sync back on your Brave Browser?

Then wait for another good news I have in the bag,which will drop in an hour's time 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩.

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A young Ghanaian with interests in Blogging and Crypto. A Content creator. Am an avid football fan and a 3D Epoxy installer.

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