Emancipate Yourself - Original Ska/Reggae by @juanmolina

I composed this song with a lot of love. With it, I want to share a reflection message with all the Reggaesteem brothers and sisters. Many times we see abandoned children on the street because of irresponsible and indolent parents. Perhaps overwhelmed by problems or the economic situation, but none of these reasons can justify these actions.   My message is of liberation, since we must remove those chains that oppress us and never ever commit acts like these.Emancipate YourselfEspanish

Nadie te puede mentir lo que ya has conocido
Nadie te puede cambiar todo lo que has vivido
Nadie te puede enseñar lo que ya has aprendido
Nadie te puede quitar todo lo que has vencido.

Cuando una madre le niega abrigo a su hijo
es porque la miseria se la ha consumido
tirándolo a la calle sin remordimientos
durmiendo en las aceras es un gran tormento.

Cuando un padre le niega comida a su hijo
es porque la miseria la lleva por dentro
tirándolo a la calle sin remordimientos
durmiendo en las aceras es un gran tormento.

Emancipate Yourself, hazlo por tí y por tus hijos...



No one can lie to you what you have already known
Nobody can change everything you've lived
No one can teach you what you have already learned
Nobody can take away everything you've won.

When a mother refuses to shelter her son
it's because misery has been consumed
throwing him into the street without remorse
Sleeping on the sidewalks is a great torment.

When a father refuses food to his son
it's because misery takes her inside
throwing him into the street without remorse
Sleeping on the sidewalks is a great torment.

Emancipate Yourself, do it for you and your children ...

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Juan Molina
Juan Molina

I'm passionate about everything related to Crypto and Blockchain

My Music: Originals and Covers
My Music: Originals and Covers

I am an amateur musician. I like to create audiovisual productions of my Original songs. I also do covers. In My Musical Styles, Caribbean sounds, Ska, Reggae, Son predominate. But I also enjoy rock.

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