Murchison Farm

Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

What will You Do?

18 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

What if you do not wake tomorrow? What will Your Life have been? What will you face, when you realize that death is a door? What is waiting for You? This is a message you do not wan't pass by!!  

Inflation - Hyper-Inflation...

18 Nov 2021 1 minute read 1 comment ArmFarm

Don't be taken by surprise, if very soon there is another massive infusion of Money into Crypto Currencies and Precious Metals. With the demoncrats success, in delivering a Massive Blow to the United States Fiat system - specifically the new astranom...

Have we seen it yet. All of us oldtime BTC Holders - KNOW IT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!!!

17 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

We aren't saying that we have a crystal ball. We are saying that All The Cards Are On The Table -  There will most likely come a day when People,  who bought BTC the last time it ever dropped below $60k, can look back and say Yes? I bought that dip! ...

Who Is In Denial?

13 Nov 2021 1 minute read 2 comments ArmFarm

Take a good look at the world around you - with an open heart! Everyting seems to be in total confusion and many people deny the very existence of God! Yet, witchcraft and satanic groups are springing up all around - while God is taken out of Society...

Blessed Be The Name of The Lord!

6 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

Blessed is His Holy Name! Holy Father - Creator of All! Praies to The King of Kings - Our Lord Christ! Welcome Into Our Lives - Holy Spirit! Invite The Holy Spirit Into Your Life Don't Allow The Worldly Evil To Blind You to The Goodness of God!!! If...

As The Days of Noah - So Has Today Become...

6 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

All one has to do, is  look at the rampant corruption that is being promoted and encouraged in Today's Society. Murder of Children on a Massive Scale Never Seen Before, in the history of Mankind - Homosexuality and Same Sex Marige - Greed and Lust -...

Control - Control - Control?

5 Nov 2021 1 minute read 2 comments ArmFarm

Are you obsessed with control? Is Your life out of control? Who controls Your life? Even the coldest heart can't deny the messaegs found, in the following links. If you are sincere in your search for Salvation, you will recognize  the  Truth as it is...

You Are Not Alone!

30 Oct 2021 1 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

You are not alone. There are always at least two who knows everything you have ever done, everything you are doing, and everything you will ever do. This also holds true for your thoughts. No one holds any secrets to themselves. You may think you hav...

For The Price of Just A Few Softdrinks ?

28 Oct 2021 4 minute read 2 comments ArmFarm

For just the price of just a few softdrinks, you can be the confident, and secure owner of somehing much more valuable! At least that is true, Unless you are dieing from thirst and there is no water available.  If your main source of income is in the...

The Great Paradigm Shift!!!

28 Oct 2021 2 minute read 0 comments ArmFarm

In this post, I would like to share an invitation to The Great Paradigm Shyft - That we are now taking part of - On a World Wide Basis. At this point, the most evident trasnformation being the ever increasing Methods of Commerce. The extreme Corrupti...