Inflation - Hyper-Inflation...

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 18 Nov 2021

Don't be taken by surprise, if very soon there is another massive infusion of Money into Crypto Currencies and Precious Metals. 
With the demoncrats success, in delivering a Massive Blow to the United States Fiat system - specifically the new astranomical creation of quickly failing fiat, in the form of an additional $1,000,000,000,000( paid for by intensified efforts, to tax the population into slavery ). 

After all, many people are starting to feel the sting to their purchasing power! And for Very Good reasons! But, "you ain't seen nothing yet"! The waves are intensifying and quickly.  One example, out of a tremendous number of various situations, is the price and availability of Ivermectin. It is used in a large number of medical applications. In fact, our modern day food supply relies heavily upon it! It is used as a Highly Effective Treatment of parasites, among much of Our Livestock and various domestic animals.Cattle, Goats, Dogs, Horses, Sheep, etc... That is what it is know for in general, because it is used there extensively. But, it is also a treatment indicated, and used in a number of Human Health IssuesWithout it, many of our Meat Sources will suffer. Supply will continue to dwindle, as Prices soar ever higher! There are forces in play, that are extremely active in removing it from circulation! Since it has been targeted - Access has now been restricted!

When it is available, ( you better take a seat for this paragraph) the prices have become cost prohibitive. A Unit that was priced at $1.50 each, even less expensive in multi packs, earlier this year - Now are only available in single units. The Price has jumped to $6.99/each. I bought the last 2 units, available at that location, with the understanding that the price will be higher next time it is avaialble - IF EVER. What???????

If you are having difficulty trying to understand what the impact, from this intentional strike on Your Food budget, Chances are that you will feel a serious impact on Beef, Pork, Chicken, and most other meats found at your grocery store. Empty Shelves, to limited availability with Sky High Prices. And they have clearly stated their intentions, to cast the spell of imaginary money - in the form of a few more Trillion dollars. 

A little morbid, but most of today's domesticated animals struggle with parasitic infestations. Without an inexpensive and effective treatment, a large number  will not live long enough to make it to a Butcher. 

There are a number of steps one can take to be prepared. Some of them can even sooth the burn, others' budgets will suffer. Be Proactive!


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Murchison Farm
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