For The Price of Just A Few Softdrinks ?

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 28 Oct 2021

For just the price of just a few softdrinks, you can be the confident, and secure owner of somehing much more valuable! At least that is true, Unless you are dieing from thirst and there is no water available. 

If your main source of income is in the form of fiat currency, then a wise move is to place some of it into Inflation fighting assets. As more and more people become aware of the cutting effects of Hyper Inflation, there will be a steady increase in demand for such items. Of course there is a broader range of assets available, that weren't widely accessable just 10 years ago. As with all investments, there is some risk involved.  

With CryptoCurrencies, not only is it still a new ( and in many ways untested ) form of Protection against inflation, it also has it's own unique forms of risk. For instance, what is your plan should there be a sudden, complete, unexpected, and long term Power Grid Outage? After all, the possibility is far from impossible.

Don't misunderstand. I am not saying that you should avoid Cryptos. In fact, it is a great form of diversification - as long as it does not dominate your life. It is one of the current means of financial enrichment. With that being said...

The wise person does not allow greed, or lust for wealth to cloud their judgement. There is an old saying that is timeless, and still hold true even now.. Don't place all your inestments into one basket. After all, should that basket experience a critical failure, most of your eggs will become worthless. 

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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