Why I am so Bullish on Brave and BAT?

By ModernEuler | Moderncrypto | 21 Oct 2019


What is the Brave browser?

Brave Software was co-founded in January 2016 by Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and a co-founder of Mozilla. 

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Brave is a browser that lets users navigate to websites, run web apps and display or play online content. Like other browsers, it is free to download and use, remembers site authentication information and can block online ads from appearing on sites.

Brave browser is safer because it blocks tracking scripts and other technologies that spy on your online activity. Furthermore, Brave aims to solve two of the web's most vexing problems—privacy and revenue—by revolutionizing the traditional digital advertising model. 

You can download faster, safer ad-free Brave Browser here https://brave.com/gdc415


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What makes Brave different from other browsers?: Brave Browser Will Pay You to Surf the Web.

What sets Brave apart is its aggressive anti-ad attitude. The browser was built to strip online ads from websites and its maker's business model relies not only on ad blocking, but on replacing the scratched-out ads with advertisements from its own network. It's as if a new TV network announced it would use technology to remove ads from other networks' programs, then rebroadcast those programs with ads of its own devising, ads that it sold. (www.computerworld.com)


İlgili resim


Brave Browser users earn tokens by surfing the web. Brave Browser gives users a 70 percent cut of its advertising revenue, $5 a month. Brave pays users with Basic Attention Tokens or BAT.

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Your subscribers, followers, or readers can tip tokens to you, their favorite content creator. 



Global Web Browser Market and Marketshare



Above you see the top five web browsers by market share given by w3counter.com, where Chrome reigns supreme with about 59 percent market share.

Brave browser doesn't yet register on web analytics firm StatCounter's rankings of web browsers, where Chrome reigns supreme with about 63 percent market share.

So, Brave browser's market share is very small and it has a big potential in this market with its unique business model. 


Brave Browser Growing Rapidly


Brave is growing on the user front, with daily active users passing the 2.8 million mark recently, and monthly active users now at 8 million. There are also over 290,000 Brave Verified Publishers. 200,000 of those are YouTube creators, 33,000 are website publishers or creators, 15,000 are Twitch streamers, and since we announced our support for Twitter tipping on August 1st, 28,000 Twitter accounts have joined to receive Basic Attention Tokens (BAT). (brave.com)


As you see below the total number of Brave Browser Publishers have reached to 296,767.

- 206,414 Youtubers, 33,793 website publishers and 28,834 Twitter users are now using Brave Browser and accepting BAT tips.   




Although the project is still at the early stage, The Washington Post, The Guardian Wikipedia, and Wikipedia are among the verified Brave Browser/BAT Publishers. List of verified Brave Browser/BAT Publishers can be seen at batgrowth.com/




The user base Brave Browser is growing rapidly. This is clear when we look at the graphs below. 







Although the project is still at an early stage, Brave has huge growth potential. This is same for Basic Atttention Token (BAT). 

So, what do you think?



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