The Splinterlands Academy - DYOR Summoner's Tactics

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 9 Dec 2024

It’s time for another  Splinterlands  Community Engagement Challenge, and this week, we’re focusing on knowledge-sharing! Let's get normies on board and tell about summoner's tactics!

Our insights have the potential to transform the early days of every new player's Splinterlands journey, offering guidance and strategies that unlock the game's full potential. 

The summoner tactics play a crucial role in building a winning strategy, setting the stage for how your other cards will perform during battles.


Many Splinterlands summoners provide unique buffs to your team, such as increased attack, speed, health, or special abilities. For example, a summoner like Nidhoggr can lead you to victory!

According to the lore, Nidhoggr is a guardian dragon and custodian of these ley lines. He rose from the chasm in which he'd buried himself, and shook off a mountain of rock and debris!

He learned of the Chaos Empire's trespass and of the failure to stop them... and he found them both guilty. Praetoria trembled as Nidhoggr stretched his wings! I had to test this bad boy in battle!

Nidhoggr is a powerful legendary summoner in Splinterlands that was introduced as part of the Chaos Legion set. He brings some unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle, especially when used strategically.

There's two paths to take when selecting this legendary summoner, either giving blast plus deathblow to three units or execution! By mastering the summoners and understanding their unique strengths and weaknesses, you can become more strategic in building your teams and ultimately improve your success in Splinterlands battles.

Nidhoggr is the Rebellion set's Dragon legendary Tactics summoner. He's got teamwide -1 armor and -1 health debuffs, as well as a teamwide debilitation.

On the left side, you can give Blast and Deathblow to 3 units, making Nidhoggr nearly on par with a certain Untamed summoner. Only in this case, we're talking about a Dragon summoner, so you can slap those Blasts and Deathblows on just about any element your heart desires.

And the right side is enough to curl your toes as well: +2 Speed and Execute to 3 units. These abilities pair great with Charge, high damage, and dual-attack units, while the Tactic makes your speedy units even speedier and nigh impossible to hit! What do you think? Which Tactic do you prefer, and how do you imagine using it to gain the upperhand in the arena?


Nidhoggr: Force Reduction, -1 Health & -1 Armor

Night Reaper: Caster with Flying and Wingbreaker

Rune Arcanist: Caster with Weaken

Daygendark Surveyor: Support with Magic Reflect

Daarg Deadblast: Caster with Swiftness and Weapons Training

Redwyrm Hatchling: Ranged with Dodge and True Strike


Nidhoggr was going to boss this battle, boosting his army and reducing the strength of the enemies! Draag gave spell power to the little surveyor, and speed to everyone else.

The Anasth Soothsayer was bombarded with spells, and Janni Rebel was receiving blast damage as well. My army was pushing for a quick win, while the Meriput Magician was trying to keep my enemies alive!

The tiny healer failed, as the Soothsayer demise came quickly. Janni was next and soon Captain Katie had to take the lead. She managed to take down the Night Reaper and taste Bloodlust, but she wasn't strong enough for what was yet to come!


Katie was weaken, and the Rune Arcanist delivered the deadly blow! We banished the demon with swiftness, and was time to get rid of the naughty Meriput Magician.

The little guy gave a fair fight, healing himself and eliminating the Rune Arcanist from the battle. He survived more than expected, casting spells and heals! However, it was impossible for him to maintain at high health, and soon had to accept a tragic fate. Was game over in seven rounds! See the full battle here!

A winner never stops! I am now facing a big dilemma while reading the insane value of the gold foil card: should I sell and buy a normal card with the money? I could use the difference to improve my deck with Rebellion cards!


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Mind Puzzle
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