Summer On Biswap - Farming Crypto And Embracing the Helios Desteblacoin!

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 20 Jul 2023

Biswap has become my main DEX on Binance Chain, due to the unique features, innovative ideas, and the space agent program. The DEX is above and beyond the standard crypto decentralized exchange, providing a wide range of crypto opportunities. I won 8 prizes in 9 months of participations and I earned a fair amount of $BSW since the summer of 2022.

I constantly use the available DeFi tools, peer-to-peer crypto trading, top staking options, dual-earning launchpools, unique Multi-Reward Pool and the newly launched Expert Mode. I am enjoying the best farming opportunities, while others are panicking due to the perpetual bear market! 


I was sad when the Space Agents Program stopped, but grateful for the opportunity! I am a Biswap Veteran, a proud Space Agent, and I know that 1 $BSW = 1 BSW! HODL mode and power farming in the Double Launchpools is the only way! Will keep using Biswap  even without the chance to earn trough my articles, and I will use my current stash of #BSW to farm and grow!


Biswap celebrated two years and hopefully many years to come! Many partnerships were achieved since launch, many tools were implemented, and over 43 million $BSW tokens were burned! Check the achievements and always DYOR! 


I like the Biswap return fee, as users will get fee return for their swaps. Up to 50% of the fee is returned in $BSW, and 10% is  credited to Robi Boost. Claimed 2 BSW this month for the crypto swaps completed. Is not much but is honest work... as the legend farmer once said! 


One of the best days are those when Biswap is announcing new double-launchpools! Better rewards are farmed if you dive into the pool as soon as possible, like this BSW + DOT at 264% APR! You deposit and start earning immediately! 


The farming routine didn't changed with the hot weather, and Biswap is still my chill garden! Half of June I farmed DOT, BSW and Matic, while the second month turned to be more entertaining! 


Ripple ($XRP) was added in a double launchpool, farming along with BSW above 200% APR! Another top opportunity to earn a top cryptocurrency, and this was just the beginning of a hot harvest! 


Let's say hey to hay! As a humble farmer... I like hay! You can farm it while you ride your tractor, and you can use it to feed the animals at the farm. However, $HAY is different... $HAY is the Helio Protocol destablecoin!  

The terms “stablecoin” or “algorithmic stablecoin” can be confusing, as all stablecoins, including those backed by fiat, have the potential to fall in price and become volatile! Here comes the “destablecoin” from Helio Protocol, a “decentralized” healthier and more sustainable option! 

As envisioned by Helio, a destablecoin will use a model backed by crypto assets like $DAI but will be fully decentralized. While DAI leverages centralized crypto assets like $USDC, the Helio’s destablecoin will use decentralized assets like $BNB as collateral. In addition, the destablecoin will leverage liquidity staking assets and aim to achieve stability without absolute fixation on fiat currencies.

I removed all the BSW from the auto-pool, and went all in into the $HAY farm. I swapped a 22% APY, with auto-compounding, for a 31.56 APR on desteblacoin farming! Why? Because I want $HAY in my portfolio, and I already reached my 23,000 BSW target for 2023! 


I stopped farming $HEY when the pool on Pancake Swap ended, but the double farming was a good experiment. Was decision time again ... and went for higher percentage of APR, plus longer farming period.

It was a top harvest and added 27 HEY in the barn! Shall I keep it for the winter of spend it on sinful stuff? Crypto is wild, and the harvest should be wild as well! Let's wait and ... buy the dip! 


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