Aim True Battle Mages Secrets Weekly Challenge | Splinterlands #251

By mercurial9 | mercurial9 | 10 Mar 2023

A new weekly challenge introduced by the splinterlands team focuses on the rulesets. The older battle challenges focused on the monsters. On the one hand, I am going to miss the old challenges as they allowed me to focus on forcing me to use the monster or summoner of the week and getting to learn the ins and outs of it. On the other hand, I will enjoy reading the different strategies the community puts out and continue to grow my knowledge of how to play splinterlands better.


Ruleset Details


The Aim True ruleset is fascinating and adds precision to every battle. In battles where this ruleset is active, melee and ranged attacks will always hit their intended targets, making it critical for players to plan their attacks carefully and strategically. Even magic attacks are not exempt from this rule, meaning that phase monsters won't be able to dodge them. The best thing about this ruleset is that speed no longer impacts whether hits will miss or not. So slower monsters can be played without hesitation. Also, monsters or summoners that have the Blast ability have an added edge, as their hits will always trigger extra damage through the Blast ability.


Battle - Full Battle Replay


Battle Details

  • Mana cap: 39
  • Rulesets(s): Lost Legendaries, Aim True, What Doesn't Kill You

Lineup Details

  • Tarsa (Summoner): +1 melee damage and +1 health to all friendly monsters.
  • Antoid Platoon: low-mana cap tank with Shield ability.
  • Radiated Brute: support melee damage and can attack from position two due to Reach ability.
  • Disintegrator: support melee damage but also acts as a debuffer against the enemy by reducing enemy melee damage.
  • Djinn Inferni + Supply Runner + Tenyii Striker: primary trio of magic, melee and range damage from backline.


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?


The battle was evenly fought and went down to the last piece of health. I think I lost the battle as my opposition had two tanky monsters in Unicorn Mustang and Mycelic Slipspawn, which helped their survivability. While the Antoid Platoon is an excellent common rarity tank, it's always an uphill battle when you compare it against the Unicorn Mustang. Even though I tried to play towards the ruleset by deploying high-damage monsters who could do damage from the backline, it wasn't enough to clinch the victory.


Do you like the Aim True ruleset? Why or why not?

The ruleset is straightforward: Melee, Range, and Magic damage will always hit their targets. Therefore simplifying battle strategies but not needing to focus on speed and, more importantly, no more misses (how many times have you lost a battle in the past due to a miss at a crucial time, so frustrating!). Also, it provides many synergies with other abilities like Blast or Poison.


Are you new to splinterlands and want to learn to play the game? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Splinterlands: A Collection of Articles and Guides 2021. If you enjoy reading my splinterlands content, please follow and support me by signing up to playing splinterlands through my affiliate link: We both would have a chance to receive a cool NFT!

Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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