emergency podcast number 4 , Robery Kiyosaki

21.04.23 Robert Kiyosaki and Andy Schectman: EP4 review: France trade in yuan ! Brics currency backed by gold ! Brazil reserve currency, the yuan ? US will have a Hyperinflation, ! watch video

By alexisread | Maybe also, your wisdom | 21 Apr 2023





BRICS currency will be backed by gold and rare metals.
60 countries applied or are in the process to apply to BRICS.


US will have hypeinflation, all the nations ditch and dump the dollar and it will come in waves back to the US.

Saudi Arabia enters trade alliance with China, Russia, India and Pakistan and 4 central Asian Nations.

China and France made the first transaction in Yuan

China and Brazil settled their trades in their own currency

Brazil is the second largest exporter and importer in the world

Russia ,Deputy Chairman, Babacov: ,,BRICS currency will be backed by GOLD and RARE METALS”

Indonesia wants to be the Trader and manager of the RARE METALS Market

Kenya and Saudi Arabia deal in Kenia-Schilling instead of US Dollar

India trade in Rupees with countries instead of US DOLLARS

- also trades with countries that are facing currency failure or have dollar shortages

In Brazil, the Chinesea Yuan surpassed the Euro and is getting to be the reserve currency.

Saudi Arabia joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation




...Saudi made deal with russians ,when the USA left afghanistan.

....Since then,the petro dollar went down.

.....Countries turn US down because the US sanctioned to much, so trust went away.

....The big banks are buying metals . Especially gold ....



So are you ready for the next big anti dollar move?

Did you do your homework and turned also to, better investments?

We will see what will happen next



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Maybe also, your wisdom
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