
Splinterlands: Rental prices dropping and update on my rental strategy

By jfang003 | jfang003 | 17 Dec 2021

Along with the drop in the crypto market over the past two weeks, DEC prices have dropped, and it has affected both the rental markets. After all, when the DEC price drops, it also means that there will be less DEC rewarded from winning fights. So there needs to be some changes to my strategy. My basic rental strategy is explained in Passive Rental Income Source post.

Rental Progress

One thing to note is that I did not change the prices on my cards that much so it led to me missing out on some income. However, I did verify that the end of season price changes are still valid and it came without my previous DEC rental price. So, I think I may change prices towards the last few days of the season and the day after the start of a season. You can also find my previous report to compare the values. One thing to note is that Chaos Legion cards are now out so some of the people are now choosing to buy or rent the Chaos Legion cards instead.


card buys.png
As always, I used Monster Market to purchase my cards for the cashback. I used up the DEC I earned from ranked battles, rental income and rewards chest over the past two weeks to buy a few more legendary cards. Djinn Oshannus seems like the best card to buy for APR but I felt like spreading it out a bit more, so I bought a few of the other legendary cards on the market. Even at the start of the season, it looks like these cards will still provide an APR of over 50% so I don't think there will be any issues.


My income and all rental price management is done through Peak Monsters because of the tools it provides me. As it allows me to manage bulk load prices, I find it much easier to change the price of duplicate cards.
Above is my previous report's income and below is my current income.
As you can see, both the value of my collection and the rental income has dropped compared to last time. I have changed up my prices and I am waiting for people to rent out my cards. In a way I have checked the market and it looks like the prices of the cards keeps dropping. I did expect prices to dip when Chaos Legion came out, but I didn't expect it to drop so much from it.


I expected the drop in prices due to Chaos Legion but the amount the prices dropped kind of shocked me. I guess the people who were renting before must have shifted their focus to Chaos Legion cards and the supply of card rental people stayed the same. So, prices had no choice to correct and with the price of crypto correcting, it went down further. Either way, my strategy is using my DEC to earn more DEC so the change in prices doesn't affect me too much. However, it is starting to look a little less attractive in terms of a investment. It is better than nothing though. In the long term, both the asset and the income will add up overtime as they compound.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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