Splinterlands Engagement Challenge: Tutorials and Tips from the Community - Choose a summoner that synergizes well with your monsters

By jfang003 | jfang003 | 13 Jan 2025

Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge that can be found in this week's post. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because they get to learn about the game. In this week's challenge, I talk about how we can synergize summoners and monsters together to make your lineup stronger.

Featured summoner


Obsidian is a earth summoner that costs 4 mana. This summoner gives all of your monsters on the field +1 magic. I have this summoner at level 4 and this is a good summoner to mix together with magic monsters. The increased damage helps out and magic attacks can also go through armor.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.pngThe ruleset this time is Born Again and Little League. This means that only monsters with a mana cost of 4 or lower can be used and every monster gains the rebirth ability. There is also 21 mana and I can choose any splinter except for life.


My tank is Halfling Refugee because I am limited in my mana and this card has high mana cost as a low cost monster. Then I have Chaos Agent as a backup tank with dodge my opponent. I have a weapons training to give magic damage to my non-attacking monsters like Chaos agent. Then I a repair monster because of my 5th monster. My 5th monster is Queen Mycelia withprotect. My last monster is Djinn Biljka with voidweaken and camouflage. This team build is built around my magic monsters and the summoner increases the damage that I can do. This means that I do not have to worry much about armor from my opponent.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance, I think that I have the advantage. My opponent has to go through my armor first as he relies on melee or ranged damage. My magic monsters will overpower my opponent and I don't think the heals will keep him alive long enough.

Round 2

round 2.png
My opponent lost his tank and I didn't lose any monster. There is no chance for me to lose this match with all the magic damage that I have in the back.

I was able to win the match a few rounds later.


The battle this time played out as expected. Combining Obsidian with magic monsters boosted my damage and magic damage also avoided the armor that my opponent had. My opponent may have had the speed advantage, but the damage advantage was mine. The protect from Queen Mycelia helped negate most of the melee damage and I was also repairing my armor every single turn. Weapons Training gave magic damage to some of my support monsters and that also contributed more to my damage.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

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