Win BeetleCoin MasterNode

By InsidersCrypto | InsidersCrypto | 29 May 2019

Recently BeetleCoin released their new wallet v2.1.3.2 which accommodated quite a lot of features and fixes. One of the being Tier MasterNode. With each passing day, the count of nodes keeps increasing and I am not surprised. This was the whole purpose of getting into Tier Node system. BeetleCoin team wanted everyone to be able to run BeetleCoin node.

To make things more exciting, they are currently running a contest until June 2nd where you get a chance to win Basic MasterNode. All you got to do is-

==> Follow them on Twitter(

==> Like and Retweet the contest post (

==> Tag 5 friends while Retweeting

It can't get simpler than this for those who desire to run BeetleCoin MasterNode.

So stop thinking and let's get started.

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