How Far Can a $30 Sign-Up Bonus Go? See It For Yourself !

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 24 Oct 2020

Celebrate the wins no matter how small it is.

First off let me ask, have you got your 30 dollar sign up bonus yet?

Didn’t know what I’m talking about? Click here and read more .

If Yes, if you received it already then congratulations. You are one step ahead of anybody else. Now you can walk with me step by step in this trading journey.

At this moment let me share one vital milestone I achieved. Using the 30 dollar sign up bonus take a look at what I achieved in just 1 month. 


Believe me when I say, it was not easy money. I had to eat my brains out in planning and using strategic positions when trading. One wrong move and all of it could have been gone. As a first timer in trading my focus is to get an easy in easy out positions. Making sure to take the profit no matter how small. I don’t know about you but it seemed effective for me for a time. As you see the interval of trading positions is very near. What do you think of my strategy? Comment your thoughts below. Negative comments are welcome too. I love feedback. For me they’re my stepping stones.

The withdrawal process was really quick. I will probably be discussing the withdrawal and deposit process in the following days. One of the things I learned is to be grateful. So after withdrawing a hundred bucks from my first ever profit I immediately bought food for celebration. It is important to always celebrate small wins. One day at a time yes?

Sometimes I am torn between : 

“Saving money” and “You only live once”.  But hey why not do both right?

And oh, if you have not followed me yet, I’d greatly appreciate it if you do.

Let’s make this world a little better one step at a time. And crucial action to that is to ensure we are financially capable. 

Thanks for Reading!!!

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