GENER8 - Redeeming Tokens Update

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 20 Jun 2019

If you are not familiar with GENER8 then it would be best to read it here :


To create a GENER8 account simply click this refferal link below :


So the purpose of this article is to share with you guys an update I recently discovered.
GENER8 has now created a martketplace to withdraw and exchange your earned tokens.


This is a very interesting update. Previously we rely on the promise of getting equivalent amount and now it seems it's coming to light.
I am looking forward to have the option available to all. And when it does, I hope you are there too.


Yes you. The person reading this article. Read more on the link above about GENER8 when I first posted an article about them.


If you wish to create an account you can simple go to their site or use my referral link which I would appreciate very much.



Clicking my referral link would earn me a raffle ticket.





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@PajeeBear at is one and the same @PajeeBear at Publish0x

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