Familiarization of Most Common Trading Terms.

By Pajeebear | Hidden Gem | 25 Oct 2020

When I post an article, I don’t really expect anyone to read it. But if you do read it. Yes, you! Keep on reading, I’d guarantee, you will not waste your time. Check my previous post, backtrack if you must and maybe if you will,  give this man a follow too!


Writing takes time. It takes effort. Sometimes I ask myself why am I even doing this? What am I getting here in return? Honestly, I don’t think I’m getting much at all.  And then I remember, life is more meaningful when you're a giver. My mama used to say, “it’s better to give than to receive.” 


So let’s think of more ways to give a part of ourselves. Pay it forward! 


I am pretty sure good Karma will follow. You know it’s a universal law, what you sow is what you reap. Agree? If you sow apple seed, of course you are growing an apple, likewise if you sow generosity in one way or another, you will reap it one day.


Now going back to the trading topic. Let’s take a look first on the common terms that are used in trading and see if you are familiar with it.


Bull Market - A market in which prices are rising.

Bear Market -A market in which prices are declining.

Open Order - An order to a broker that is good until it is canceled or executed.

Spread - The price difference between two related markets or commodities.

Stop Order -Sometimes called a Stop Loss Order

Take Profit - When you are ready get the profit back to your wallet.


There are still many terms and many more complicated terms but the ones above are the ones we will encounter most of the time in this trading journey with me. So take it to heart if you are not familiar with them yet. If you are familiar with it already, good for you. I know there are still some of those who are not, just the way I was not familiar with it a few months back. The only thing I knew about trading back then is the old adage, “buy low, sell high”.  And I’m sure, anybody who knows a trading buddy knows what that means. 


Ready to trade now? I sure hope so. No money for investment? No problem, skim through my previous article and you will surely not miss the opportunity for free $30 no investment needed!

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