In Bitcoin We Trust
In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust is a place where Bitcoin believers share their ideas about the upcoming revolution. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are also covered in this publication.

Saying Bitcoin Has No Utility? You Need To Rethink Your Definition of Utility

7 Jul 2021 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

I recently shared my opinion on the current state of the Bitcoin market. In a dedicated article, I explained that the big opportunity for the coming months with Bitcoin probably lies now. To do so, I used 8 charts to support this idea. In this articl...

Bitcoin’s SHA-256 Algorithm Gives You More Guarantees Than Any Bank in the World

7 Jul 2021 6 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

Installed at the heart of the current monetary and financial system, the banking world is a totally opaque world. As the current system was conceived, its proper functioning implies that populations can have blind trust in central banks, but also in...

Fiat Money Is Government Truth, Bitcoin Is THE Truth. Don't Trust, Verify.

6 Jul 2021 4 minute read 0 comments ssaurel

Bitcoin is a pseudonymous system. This means that each user remains more or less anonymous as long as they do not reveal their own addresses on the network. Each user can have several addresses. As a result, it is difficult to estimate precisely the...

The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Bitcoin Will Become the Standard for Generation Z and Generation Alpha

6 Jul 2021 5 minute read 6 comments ssaurel

Since the official launch of Bitcoin on January 3, 2009, adoption has been progressing at its pace block by block. At some points, Bitcoin’s adoption is accelerating. At others, it slows down and continues to progress slowly but steadily. For several...

Why the Current Monetary and Financial System Is a Losing Game for 99% of the People. Bitcoin fixes this.

5 Jul 2021 6 minute read 10 comments ssaurel

Created de facto by Richard Nixon in August 1971, then legalized by the Jamaica Accords in early 1976, the current monetary and financial system suffers from seven deadly sins that will lead to its downfall. This system is a losing game for 99% of th...

All Around the World, Bitcoin Adoption Is Progressing Block by Block

5 Jul 2021 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

The month of June 2021 will be remembered as a month marked by fear. Extreme fear even in the Bitcoin market. For the entire month, the majority of investors made the mistake of focusing solely on the Bitcoin price and the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and...

Here Are the 6 Biggest Reasons Why Bitcoin Is So Valuable

4 Jul 2021 3 minute read 5 comments ssaurel

In the Bitcoin world, some attacks and criticisms come up frequently. Opponents of Bitcoin, whether political leaders, bankers, or economists, almost always use the same outdated rhetoric to denigrate Bitcoin. When you have been in the Bitcoin world...

The Biggest Downward Bitcoin Difficulty Adjustment Has Occurred — Everything Is Working As Planned.

4 Jul 2021 3 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

The biggest downward adjustment in the mining difficulty on the Bitcoin network has just taken place. The difficulty has dropped by -27.94%. Nothing surprising here, since this was expected for a little over 2,016 blocks, i.e. since the previous adju...

The 3 Properties That Make Bitcoin a Unique Invention in the History of Mankind

3 Jul 2021 5 minute read 0 comments ssaurel

Bitcoin is a unique invention in the history of mankind. The decentralized payment network created by Satoshi Nakamoto is unique. I repeat this constantly, as do all other Bitcoiners. However, many non-Believers or Altcoiners doubt the uniqueness of...

The Power of Immutability – You Don’t Change Bitcoin, Bitcoin Changes You

3 Jul 2021 3 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

We live in an uncertain world. What we have been experiencing since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has reminded everyone that anything can change at any time in this world. The few certainties that some people thought to see have...