In Bitcoin We Trust
In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust

In Bitcoin We Trust is a place where Bitcoin believers share their ideas about the upcoming revolution. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are also covered in this publication.

Forget Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey Is the Hero Bitcoin Deserves for the Coming Years.

19 Jul 2021 5 minute read 13 comments ssaurel

At the beginning of 2021, Tesla made public the purchase of $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin as part of its strategy to diversify its cash reserves. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, became the de facto hero that the entire Bitcoin community began to worship...

Like It or Not, Bitcoin Is Our Best Hope for a Better World in the Future

18 Jul 2021 4 minute read 4 comments ssaurel

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a dramatic shift in thinking about Bitcoin. More and more people are realizing that Bitcoin is here to stay. There is no need to fight the Bitcoin revolution forever. The best thing to do is...

Buying $100 worth of Bitcoin Is Better Than Nothing

18 Jul 2021 2 minute read 5 comments ssaurel

Despite a crash in the price of Bitcoin during May 2021, the king of cryptocurrency is still trading above $30K as I write this. It is even close to $32K. Many believe that Bitcoin is heading straight for a Bear Market, or that it is already there, b...

How Bitcoin Will Help You Achieve True Financial Freedom

17 Jul 2021 7 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

The notion of financial freedom is a rather recent one that appeared as a reaction to a phenomenon of modern society, the Rat Race. The phenomenon became more pronounced at the beginning of the 21st century following the multiplication of blogs dedic...

Why Bitcoin Is Your Best Weapon Against Censorship by Money on the Internet.

17 Jul 2021 4 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

Social networks are everywhere. Almost everyone has at least one account on a social networking platform today. The most popular ones being Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. Because of their popularity, but especially because of their...

You Will Never Be Able To Profit From Bitcoin if You Remain Trapped in This Vicious Circle.

16 Jul 2021 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

The price of Bitcoin crashed in the middle of May 2021. You all know what this crash is due to FUD related to China, but also to an attempt by Elon Musk to manipulate the price of Bitcoin. For the latter, this is my opinion, and of course, I have no...

Sorry ECB, Digital Euro Will Be More Centralized Than Bitcoin. It Is a Big NO

15 Jul 2021 3 minute read 3 comments ssaurel

Since the end of 2020, the European Central Bank (ECB) repeated that it was in the study phase concerning the creation of a digital Euro. The decision on the appropriateness of such a creation should fall during June 2021. With a little delay, the Eu...

Stop Focusing on the Problems, Start Focusing on the Solution That Is Bitcoin

15 Jul 2021 3 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

Bitcoin’s success is becoming increasingly scary. This has become glaringly obvious since the start of the bullish rally that began in October 2020. Seeing Bitcoin surpasses $50K, and then $60K in April 2021, has made Bitcoin’s opponents realize that...

3 Things You Must Keep Private to Secure Your Bitcoin

14 Jul 2021 5 minute read 2 comments ssaurel

Bitcoin is a revolution in many ways. Among its many benefits, Bitcoin allows you to regain control over what you own. In today’s monetary and financial system, banks are increasingly blocking transactions from their customers. Some even go so far as...

Five Limiting Beliefs That Prevent You From Buying Bitcoin

14 Jul 2021 5 minute read 1 comment ssaurel

In her best-selling book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success", Carol S. Dweck makes a distinction between two categories of people. On the one hand, you have people with a fixed mindset, and on the other, those with a growth mindset. Obviously, p...