Megatron: The Rise of Blockchain Revolution

By adriaparcerisas | ICO Reviews | 27 Jan 2021





Blockchain is a decentralized general ledger. It is a computer network that has an identical copy of the database and changes its status (records) to a common agreement based on pure mathematics. All this means that there is no need for any central server or any entity we trust (e.g. central bank, notaries, banks, Paypal, etc.). The blockchain is the technological basis for all cryptocurrencies, whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.


An important part of the blockchain is the smart contracts, a piece of code that is stored in the blockchain network (in each participant's database). It basically defines the conditions to which all parties using the contract agreement. Therefore, if the required conditions are met, certain actions are executed. Because the smart contract is stored on all computers on the network, everyone must run it and get the same result. This way users can be sure that the result is correct.


Blockchain and Smart Contracts open many doors to new decentralized businesses and eliminates the need for expensive third parties. Many new companies are now working on this technology, and large companies are testing it in closed networks to collaborate directly with each other without the need for intermediaries.


For that reason, there is a lot of projects that are starting to use this new technology. However, not all of them are worth it. We have to read well what each project is dedicated to, what is its whitepaper, its qualified advisors, etc. As I said, blockchain technology has gained popularity due to the hype about cryptocurrencies which has shaken many startups to launch their own cryptocurrencies even without convincing fundamentals. This trend has emerged because new entrants have been more agile in adopting emerging technologies compared to incumbents who are hampered by legacy systems. However, this competitiveness and this advantage enjoyed by the new players may be short-lived, as no economies of scale are taken into account. Besides, the Cryptocurrency industry is vast and is highly secured using cryptography. This secure lock disables the possibility of any double- spends or counterfeit under any circumstances. While Cryptocurrency seems ideal for transactions, the major hurdle in the cryptocurrency market originates from a paucity of security when transactions are being made. This results in unrecoverable and untraceable losses.


For this reason, the project I'm going to present you is Megatron (, a global mode of transaction designed specifically for start-ups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.



In more detail, Megatron is a pragmatic and highly-effective solution to the double-spending problem using advanced blockchain technology. As said before, blockchains are structures that can actively store transactional records in the form of ‘blocks’ in multiple databases that are highly secure network connections through peer-to-peer nodes. So, Megatron is an exceedingly advanced Initial Exchange Offering overseen directly by cryptocurrency exchanges developed for utility purposes. The Megatron blockchain technology works in a decentralized cryptocurrency set-up which allows peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies.



The main goal of Megatron team is to provide superlative levels of security for each investment made, establishing absolutely null market manipulation or preventing the mediation of third parties in any circumstance and guaranteeing complete consumer satisfaction while promoting and generating benefits. 


How it works

As it is a platform for transactions and payments, basically, it will be done through the development of specific protocols, the performance of periodic tests of the network, the evaluation and management of vulnerability, and other necessary compliance in terms of digital payments that will be followed according to international standards. Network penetration tests will be conducted regularly to maintain digital security and protect the integrity of user data.
MTR system security will aim to provide 360 ​​degree cyber security for your network architecture: back-end IT configuration, server stations, end users, etc. For this, a list of protocols will be followed to protect the source code of your applications, file transfers, the payment gateway and user data. In doing so, MTR focuses on taking regular steps to resolve them and earn customer trust through security audits.
Thus, the security of our system will ensure that all transactions are secure from start to finish.




Oracle is a cryptocurrency wallet, an easy-to-use application that stores and performs transactions using private and public keys with different blockchains to allow users to send and receive cryptocurrencies and control their transactions. To access Megatron or any other cryptocurrency, the user needs to own a cryptocurrency portfolio.



The Telepathy provides the solutions for all organizations large and small network problems. Telepathy is a decentralized network platform that eliminates the problems caused by man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.



Wolf Pack is a business program for start-ups, a television series and a website, with prominent investors willing to invest and commit to the program to give wings to the start-up.



Fitness-first, the first global food chain to develop a franchise business that improves customer health by promoting products with a healthy profile and rations that comply with public health recommendations.



The Farmers Market is a unique solution to the various problems faced by farmers around the world.


Bounty program

The project gives the opportunity to earn Megatron tokens (MTR) performing some social media tasks and doing simple steps from the bounty program explained into the following Bitcointalk Thread here (BTT_Thread_Megatron), where you can access the link in order to see what are the conditions to become an early MTR contributor and start acquiring tokens.

For more information about the project, you can visit and read their WhitePaper available here (Megatron_WP). You can also stay tuned in their official Telegram Channel (MegaTron_Global). I hope you liked the post and soon I'll send you new ones.



Token details

Megatron token, which symbol is MTR, is a TRC-20 Token based on Tron Network that aspires to create and maintain a highly secure and adaptable ecosystem, optimal for commerce.In the coming years, MTR is in the quest to establish itself as a global IEO that functions as a platform for a cryptocurrency accessible worldwide, while creating a secure ecosystem for individuals, entrepreneurs, start-ups,small businesses invest, trade, transact, and thrive by having a global market position that supports integrity, transparency, and economic well-being.

Token: MTR

Platform: Tron

Type: TRC-20

Tokens for sale: 100,000,000,000

Token allocation:





Date Event January 2021

Launching Megatron, a global IEO platform

February 2021

Laying the first block for building our diverse platform.

March 2021

On the road to build Megatron Community

April 2021

Oracle, Wallet Web Browser launch

May 2021

Developing multiple business projects

June 2021

Audit Platforms & Financial Consultant

July 2021

Premiering our TV show WolfPack for startups

August 2021

Formation of Team Megatron

September 2021

On the road to ICO

October 2021

Commence Telepathy messaging Application

November 2021

Initiating developments through projects

Desember 2021

Improving User Interface

January 2022

Initiating Fitness First Restaurant Chain across UAE

February 2022

Evolution of Megatron

March 2022

Additional Developments of projects

April 2022

Launching Farmer’s Market Mobile Application for Farming Community

May 2022

Boosting Market Strategies



Social Media Links

Whitepaper: Megatron_WP
Facebook: MegaTron01010
Twitter: MegaTron_Global
Medium: @megatronofficial



Author Details

Email: [email protected]

Bitcointalk username: adriaparcerisas

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1870482

TRX wallet address: TPK1U2GFBNP8ppEiRy4Nu6vJPMafjJ8xxP

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PhD - Biomedical Engineering - Cryptolover

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