My First Bitcoin Cash Print Outs

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies available in the market today. We must do our research (DYOR) and due diligence always. I am always keen on what crypto I am supporting as I preferred the real CAUSE of the coin, likewise I do spot active trading, earning 5-10% Microprofit in a day as I believed on the power of compounding rather than speculating its trend.


As I was so moved with an act of Generosity by whoisbitcoinman when he gave out hundreds of dollars through scannable QR codes ranging from $5-$$1000 and posted it anywhere in California, where it created social media buzz.

The more when he revealed himself as David Bond, a youtuber and an internet marketer for six years, he opened the eyes of more Bitcoin Cash supporters. His video on why he adopted Bitcoin Cash eventually was somehow relatable in the sense that when a financial institution seized your account without prior notice you would be frustrated, thus, a back up plan was a necessity.

Most cryptocurrencies adoptions by an individual would always boil down to a very transparent reasons of control and manipulation. The worst that could happen is being banned from your account. So it got me into thinking, why can’t we just print our OWN MONEY instead? Why can we just do the same as how David did share stickers worth of a real value.


Likewise when Hayden Otto on his video, giving gifts during Christmas season printing out Bitcoin Cash as a way of giving gifts to our loved ones has brought me into excitement when I eventually tried my first printouts.

Technically I started with 10 printouts just to see how it goes however there was a 15 minute duration right after you filled out the "Build your Gifts online form" and I wasn't so keen about it not until it expired at the same time I got a message that it wouldn't be reimbursed. Thank God my second print outs were successful and eventually disseminated them through my social media accounts for a start.


Together with my sister who just joined Noisecash as well, we were figuring out how we could cater "Team Building " at our place in Panabo so we could spread more awareness about Bitcoin Cash as a mode of payment whenever they would buy something at our small convenience store, like how I did long time back before working overseas when my friend and I established a small internet cafe with 12 units. That was my first taste of freedom in terms of working at my own pace. Unfortunately, at that time, cryptocurrency was not heard as a mode of payment yet. That was around 2012.

We are lucky that today we were able to send/receive or pay using Bitcoin Cash as a peer-to-peer electronic cash and printing it out with real value is as easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Here are the 8 steps.

1. Go to

2. Click “Make New Gifts”

3. Copy your 12-word seed to access your gifts.

4. Click on next and Confirm your recovery seed.

5. You will be rerouted to "BUILD YOUR GIFTS"

6. Fill out the forms necessary for printing.

7. Provide your valid email address for verification

8. Provide your Bitcoin Cash wallet address in case the QR codes are unclaimed within the duration and the amount shall be refunded back to your account.


So the next question would be why I started with a very meager amount of 4.99PHP or 5 depending on the price of the current BCH?

Simple actually:

This is to point out that even with MICRO amount, Bitcoin Cash caters to Micro TRANSACTION with MICROFEES. As I have defined it on my post which stands for F.E.L.R which means Faster.......Easier......Low Processing Fee and Reliable TRANSACTION.



images used on this post are my print outs

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Schoolpreneur, Financial Advocate, Crypto Trader, Stock Market Investor

How Much Time Have You Wasted?
How Much Time Have You Wasted?

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