!@#(*&@#(& can't believe CZ went to the slammer

Cryptonauts, Davebot dreams of you!  Love to the OX Is Igor around!  Davebot is SO busted we missed that CJ went to the slammer. 60ea9fc7d5f3f0e1e26a29018da4ee0d277e216003eca3cea5a0537b654fb10d.pngTLDR absolute screaming bullshit !!! CJ takes one from the Deep State.  No norms of money laundering were applied here.   Can't get rid of Gary Gensler soon enough.    Member Bobby Menendez, the bitcoin hater who said El Salvador cannot have bitcoin because ??!!?! Chyna?       Now he is convicted, facing 222 years, you bet he never serves a day.   Jon Corzine, CEO of the venerable MF Global, screwed the poodle and stole money out of innocent farmer's accounts to double down on a stupid forex bet, bankrupting the firm and famers.  Not a WHIFF of jail for them !!   Meanwhile all of Sammy's campaign finance violations go poof, stored right there with Jon Corzine's crimes !!! 


Oh dear god what else have we missed ?  The rise and rise of SOL!  and freakin Doge and shibu and what WAHEY. !!  PEPE IS A TOP 25 COIN!  AH HA HA and our pal's said we would get wrekced!! well we did61740da70869e41515a5c33ce20448f64be4426b47931b8c4c3d5be50d2d7627.png

d9a9fb331a97c1b5ca43d9c104e23936489c72867b206ae711ad1f0052a71d73.pngno no davebot oh you are VERY Busted. Try again2755edb6cb95a246a2d214804282960a175ad85f899c79270718f13daf25846c.pngno that's not much better, true tho, buckle up Bitcoin just getting going.    Oh yea same old humour new ending !! Brazil is finally seriously looking at a big boy size BTC stash.  Why?  Ah ha ha HA HA HA HA e5f09040827091d103187cc4c3d77d7ea3cf8dec6ad1ef3f5e1a2ebe131a2a9f.pngTDLR LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!!!!! 

OK cmon davebot puke n rally what good is it broken  try agin

TLDR. that's prolly not gonna help much but geez standards we gotta try  right  

b148903d80738e010e2e5fe226cb4e35cf005ed003b168f7f3eed400e3070f15.pngnope, no, that's not it dang ahh HERE we go !! 

1da268a0d9b8e4304d54be01370d6a7e58b23b50710eb4bdf4e212fbe89eac7e.png. bitcoin bitcoin uber alles.  Wow, eth just didn't really make it this year !  


Dave bot headed for the rat race once again THANK GOD !!! LOVE YOU GUYS!! AHHHHH TIMES UP wait WAIT THERE" MORE 


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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !
Hi, I am Dave, and I just got hooked on crypto !

After decades motorcycling in NYC to work on Fintech and play punk rock, I just woke up to Cryptocurrencies and fell in love like never before! Blogging for the hell of it while learning my way through this awesome, deeply revolutionary evolution in money. Join us while we laugh and flip off the central banks and their currency debasing governments! Stack sats to the Moon, Lambo, don't reck, FUD, FOMO, wild wild west, bless Satoshi!

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