Alric plus Djinn Oshannus are an incredible duo.

By jasonmyers13 | Gamecrip | 20 Dec 2024


Hello everyone, these days I started the Splinterlands social networking challenge, so these days I was buying several cards to continue adding to my collection of cards in this game and one of my new acquisition was Alric Stormbringer, a water summoner from the Beta collection, so I was testing it in several battles and I liked one of them because of the combination I made with Djinn Oshannus.

Next I will describe the key points of this battle, you can use 25 mana and the Splinter that can be used are all: Fire, Water, Life, Death, Earth and Dragon. Without much to choose I selected the Water type for the strategy that I had for this opportunity, the rule that this battle has is the following:

Fog of War


  • Units lose Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity

Summoner - Alric Stormbringer


As a summoner use Alric Stormbringer, this is a summoner that has a mana cost of three, the ability of this card is to increase the attack type of Magic.

Djinn Oshannus


In the first position use Djinn Oshannus, this card costs eight mana points, it has two magic attacks, five speed and has ten life points, the ability it has is Void, it reduces the damage of magic attacks.

Angelic Mandarin


In the second position use Angelic Mandarin, it is a card that costs three mana points, has one type of ranged attack, two speed and has five life points, but without any ability.

Riverboat Captain


In the third position use Riverboat Captain, with a mana cost of six, he has four points of life without shield, the magic type attack with two plus two of speed and with respect to speed he has four, he also has an ability called Blast.

Merdaali Guardian


In the fourth position use Merdaali Guardian, a rare type card, it has three points of life without shield, without any kind of attack and has two points of speed all for the cost of three mana, this card has an ability called Tank Heal, it restores one third of the maximum health to the unit in the first position each round.

Ice Pixie


In the fifth position use Ice Pixie, it is a card that costs two mana points, has a magic type attack, three speed and has one point of unshielded life with the Flying ability.




The enemy selected the same type of Splinter I selected named Zeddica with a total of five monsters.


At the beginning of this battle it occurred to me to use the new summoner that I acquired and then place the necessary formation and placing each monster in its corresponding position with the mana limit which was 25 and then place Djinn Oshannus as a tank and the rest with various skills, another of the best was Merdaali Guardian for the ability it has to restore a third of the maximum health to the unit in the first position and be able to attack the enemy's cards, after two rounds I managed to get the victory with the great combination of cards that I had selected and if you want to see the replay of this battle, I will leave you the following link:


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