From time to time, we have been experiencing blockages at some point in our lives. We want something to happen so much that we become impatient. However, there is no need to judge ourselves. It is very natural to have wishes, desires, expectations. When we experience similar blockages in our lives, when we feel that there are obstacles, our calmness can resolve these blockages and we can see that the obstacles disappear spontaneously.
Many methods have been developed for this. However, of course, to have a healing session or training that technique each time; It may require us to spend time, effort and money. I would like to tell you about access tools in this article. First of all, let me state that I did not receive training on this subject and I am not an expert on the subject. With a few books I read about Access, I can say that I learned a few things about access tools.
Access system was established by Gary Douglas in the USA in 1990 and developed with the contributions of Dr. Dain Heer; It is the set of processes and tools offered to us so that we can change all kinds of polarizations, habits, judgments, beliefs and decisions that prevent us from living the life we desire as we wish. Access, whose tuition fees are considerably higher than other systems, has different education areas. Access Bars is a physically applied system. Access Consciousness, on the other hand, is a tool designed to create awareness, change and development in our mind, body, emotions and lives.
Access basically aims to open our minds to different possibilities. It also includes techniques that do this mostly through questions. Access's Bars, Foundation, Abuse Attachment, Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB), Symphony Sessions, Getting Rid of Habits, Access Consciousness Facelift (Energetic Face Lift), Energetic Body Sessions, The Right Voice for You, The Right Wealth for You, Money Is Not a Problem, You Are The Problem, How To Become Money? There are foundation classes and Advanced classes such as Loan to Play for Money, Joy of Business, Light or Heavy, Create or Die.
Frankly, I don't want to study these. It is enough for me to use some access tools for now. I would like to share with you some of the tools I know and use.
If your mind is constantly talking, you can repeat the following sentence over and over to quiet your ego:
"Everything is the opposite of what it seems. Nothing is the opposite of what it seems."
You can repeat the following sentence when you experience negativity during the day, when a negative thought appears in your mind, when you feel a negative emotion:
"Who does this belong to?"
Answers are not sought in the Access system? We ask the question and leave the rest to the universe. We open our minds to endless possibilities for the universe to reveal the answer to our question in our lives. Below are some questions that may work for you. You can use whatever you want. Or, if you want, you can create similar questions yourself. Do not think about the answer to the question. Do not seek an answer to the question. We must be careful that our questions are not judgmental.
How can I be lucky in love?
How can I live a happy and full life?
If I really chose to create my life, my life and my truth, and if I really chose to create beyond my mind that I know is possible, what would I choose?
What would it really be like not having to worry about money again?
Not if I didn't have a problem with money, what would it really be like not having to worry about money again? I cancel whatever does not allow this.
How does it get better than this?
What energy, field, and consciousness can my job and I be, allowing us to work this universe for eternity?
(........ whatever you desire) what would it take to emerge?
How can I do my job better today?
What can I do to make the situation better?
How can I do it with the resources I have?
What are the endless possibilities for me to live my life happier?
For example, when we wake up in the morning, we can ask ourselves the following questions:
What is today's gift for me?
What possibilities does it contain for happiness, joy, success today?
Today ……. What energy, consciousness, energy, and space can I be to have, to be able to do?
What are my options to attract people who will contribute to my day forever, what are possible for this?
I wonder what beauty will happen to me today?
What is possible to make the most beautiful things possible?
What is possible for my life to live in peace and happiness?
What are the endless possibilities for me to live a life of Abundance and Prosperity?
How is it possible for me to have loving relationships?
The purpose of all these problems is to open ourselves to infinite possibilities that we do not know except the option, situation, event, person we believe exist. Do not seek answers to questions. Because when we answer, we limit ourselves to the answer we give and close ourselves to all other possibilities. For example, you received a coin from a place you did not expect. Ask question. "How does it get better than this?", "What more is possible?"
Would you like to live your life to the fullest with magnificent beauties? How is this possible? What kind of life would you have if you let that happen? What are the endless possibilities for you to live a life full of beauty?
This article has been published by me on If you want to follow me on, you can follow here.