Start with Algorand! Free Algorand Faucet!

By ErikVede | Faucet Hunter | 13 Oct 2021

Hi everyone, today I want to talk to you about a new faucet that I discovered. It's a faucet that allows you to obtain a small amount of Algorand.
Algorand is a very popular cryptocurrency, among the top 100 by trading volume and with numerous trading and staking opportunities. It's currently listed at $ 1.83 but is set to increase in value.
This faucet allows you to request a small amount of Algorand every 3 hours to start creating your crypto portfolio for free. There are also advantages for referring friends.

Here is my link for the Algorand faucet: algorandfaucet.

The procedure is very simple, you only need to enter the address of your Algorand wallet, complete the capcha and click Submit. In a short time you will see the Algorands appear in your wallet!
As wallet I recommend Atomic Wallet because it allows very profitable Algorand staking.

Read my other articles for new opportunities to earn crypto!

Thanks for reading and to the next article!

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