Earning free crypto: Myriadcoin faucet!

By ErikVede | Faucet Hunter | 22 Jun 2020

Hello, I found an excellent faucet that I want to share with you. This faucet donates a small amount of Myriadcoin (XMY) once a day for free. You will be rewarded once a day with about 3,5 XMY, you just have to enter your Myriad address in the appropriate field, complete the Captcha and click "Request". Your coins will be sent immediately and you can view them in your wallet in seconds.
As for the Myriad address, I recommend you use the Coinomi Wallet that supports it, it exists in both desktop and mobile versions.

Here the link to the faucet: Myr Faucet.


What is Myriadcoin?

Myriadcoin was released to the wild on February 23, 2014 whith no Premine and no ICO and it's the first currency to support 5 algorithms, catering for ASIC, GPU and CPU mining. Myriad is much like Bitcoin a community driven project full of volunteers. Now 1 Myriad is worth about $ 0.002 and is currently exchangeable in many exchanges including Bittrex, LiteBit and Tradesatoshi.

Read my other articles for new opportunities to earn crypto!




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