Earn Reflex Token for FREE! Reflex Cloud Mining App.

By ErikVede | Faucet Hunter | 18 Jun 2020

In this article I will tell you about an app that allows you to mine Reflex(RFX) directly in the cloud from your smartphone for free and without consuming energy.

RFX is an Ethereum ERC20 token. From Reflex Whitepaper: "Reflex wants to completely revolutionize the world of online social networks. Everything you post on the internet has a reflected monetary value and we want to share it with you. With Reflex you can earn money simply by doing what you've been doing for years on YouTube and Instagram, with the difference that you can now earn for your views and your followers. The new era of the web is coming".


To activate the mining just click START and the app will mine in the background for 2 hours, after which you will just have to click again. The app also provides a daily bonus of 10 RFX and there is a referral system that allows you to further increase your earnings. In fact, if you share the app with a friend you will receive 5% of what your friend will earn and he will immediately receive 30 RFX. If you want a hand to start here is my friend code to insert once the app is installed: 6f0hc. Thanks! It is also possible to earn additional RFX by following the live streams on the ReflexToken channel. There is also the possibility of a boost to mining, just pay 1 RFX to get double the rewards for 4 hours. In the app there is also a daily contest in which the three best miners are awarded, the first one goes 20 RFX, the second 10 RFX and the third 5 RFX.

Once 500 RFXs have been accumulated you can decide to stake them in the app for a period to earn a constant amount of RFX (+ 1.5% in a month, +5% in 3 months, +11% in 6 months, +26% in 12 months). Alternatively, you can collect the RFX in your wallet and then exchange them, RFX is currently exchangeable on the ABIT.com platform. You can exchange your RFXs directly inside the wallet if you have Trust Wallet. Here my link to download the Trust Wallet app --> https://share.trustwallet.com/HTnjWhF.

I hope this article will be useful and I greet you! See you soon!


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