What is a Crypto faucet? What you need to know about!

By ErikVede | Faucet Hunter | 16 Jun 2020

Hello everyone! In my first article I would like to briefly explain what is a "crypto faucet".
Who doesn't like to receive something as a gift? A crypto faucet is in fact a website or an app for mobile devices that gives small amounts of cryptocurrency. There are faucets of many cryptocurrencies: from the most famous such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ... to the emerging ones such as Nano.

Faucets are the ideal tool for those who want to throw themselves for the first time in the world of cryptocurrencies because they do not require expensive devices, large amounts of time or investments of money.


Among the many categories in which we can divide the crypto faucets it is necessary in my opinion to make a first important division between faucets that pay directly into the personal wallet and faucets that instead send the rewards to a third-party site from which it will be possible to withdraw to your own wallet only when sufficient payout is reached. Most of the truly paying faucets are of the latter type mainly for reasons of convenience on the costs of the transitions, however it is not uncommon to also find faucets of the first type which ensure the rewards without passing through third-party sites.

Why would anyone give cryptocurrencies to anyone? Well these sites or apps often make money through advertisements. In some you have to view short advertising videos, in others complete small tasks as in the famous PTC (Pay To Click). Some sites instead require only human verification but display advertising banners all around. Sometimes if you are stubborn and lucky you come across ad-free faucets that quickly give out the much desired cryptos.

The only thing you need to have to receive your cryptocurrencies is a crypto wallet that supports it. Just copy the personal address and paste it on the faucet page and you will receive the chosen crypto. Here my personal link to a wallet that supports a large number of different cryptocurrencies, available both for mobile devices and PC(desktop version)  --> atomicwallet.io

In conclusion, if you have time left, or are bored or simply want to experience the thrill of receiving crypto for free then you should definitely try crypto faucets. You won't get rich but you won't regret it. In the following articles I will share with you the most reliable crypto faucet that I have found in my research.

And remember: sea is made up of many small drops!

Thanks for reading these few lines and see you soon!


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