The Rise Of Russian Cryptocurrencies

CBDCs have been a dream and nightmare for some as most people stand to become disadvantaged by it. 

CBDCs will likely be an unneccessary step opposite to the financial evolution in the United States as it'd likely cause outrage on wallstreet, change how money works, and eventually cause mass hysteria as the paper money we've all come to love would be taken over by numbers on a screen - not to mention how the federal reserve would be able to make your money expire - yes, you heard that right - your money would expire in 30 days if hadn't found a way to spend it. This is done in order to make sure you're growing the economy and aiding the government in consumer spending during periods of recession.

A lot of people don't care about the government as it doesn't effect their lives in any way, so Imagine if you're now being constricted to financial damnation through the implementation of this one tiny little feature that'll come to become a part of your life whether you like it or not.

Looking to save money for that PC build you've wanted so bad? Too bad. You've got to spend it on a store of wealth like a tiny little golden coin. And when you want to sell that little gold coin, it's a fifty-fity chance as to whether you would've lost 5% or made 5% of what you originally paid for it.

According to WiseVoter over 70% of americans were polled as conservative, yet a democratic president won? Anyhow, CBDCs are a generally democratic way to view one's finances. They'd fully rely on the government to tell them how to spend their money and when, including on what to spend their money and what parts of the economy need stimulation.

They could literally force you to buy carpets or fashion accessories depending on who lobbied them this month. This takes care of a free market and transforms it into a command economy, similar to communism - yikes.. that sounds bad.


Regardless, that's all for today, all I ask is that you do your research and really take a look at what is going on around you. Most people read the news, but when they read it, it's all filled with useless information about football players, retired presidents, random summits, and things you should not be paying attention to - ever. 

It's good that this concept of a CBDC was mentioned as a distant dream, but that doesn't mean that it'll stay a distant dream. 

P.S Launching a CBDC would cause so much pollution it would be unfathomable. 

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