ThePredictionSeries: prediction 177.1: saturday, January 14 2023 : Todays Prediction .

By excelencia | excelencia | 14 Jan 2023

If your post was appearing in the NEW rubric of PublishOx around the same time with this prediction post 177.1, stay tuned for the appearance of post 177.2 with the result of the prediction to potentially see your post featured and eventually be maxtipped in case Excelencia's prediction 177.1 would have been wrong.

Scrolling down You'll see:

  • The actual price situations of BTC, ETH, AMPL AND SPOT and a snapshot of the $BTC, $ETH, $AMPL and $SPOT at a specific hour today saturday.
  • A link to a todays updated post in Excelencia's TheCryptoComparisonSeries.
  • The posts that were positioned at rank 1 and 2 at the moment the prediction 176.1 entered yesterday friday at the correctly predicted rank 3 in the NEW rubric on PublishOx.

Watching carefully the sequence of entering posts in the New rubric here on PublishOx, can increase your skills to push the publishing button for your next post at the right moment: the higher a post enters in the New page, the more visibility it will receive.



In this  series, Excelencia is going  to make a  prediction :                                      

Excelencia will give his prediction about the rank his  prediction posts are going to enter in the new rubric at the PublishOx website.

Click in the picture below if you want to go to the NEW page at the website from PublishOx.



If you like to see the results of Excelencia's  predictions, you can click each  day in the new episode of this series.         

The next day of each prediction, You will see the Views, Earnings and Likes/Dislikes the post has received.            

Yesterday, friday, January 13  2023, Excelencia was right in his prediction that his one hundred and seventy-sixth prediction post would be going to enter at rank 3 in the NEW rubric, because in reality, the prediction 176.1 post entered at rank 3 in the NEW rubric on  the PublishOx website. 

Click in the picture to enlarge the image.



Here are the Views, the Earned amount and the Likes/Dislikes the prediction 176.1 and prediction 176.2 posts have received:   


The day today is saturday, January 14  2023 and this is:                            


                                   Prediction 177:                                                                                                                               

This post is going to enter in the NEW rubric at rank:


                          Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas 

After waiting for the publishing of the post, which takes between around 0 and 7 minutes, Excelencia makes a screenshot of the NEW page with the rank at which this post entered in the NEW page and after that,  in post "ThePredictionSeries: prediction 177.2: The Result" , the result of the prediction will be showed with the screenshot of the NEW page.                                      

In "ThePredictionSeries: prediction 3, Excelencia wrote:     
Perhaps it is best to publish two posts from prediction 4 on, the first with the prediction and the second with the result of the prediction.  

So, this post with prediction 177 will be followed  with a second post(ThePredictionSeries: prediction 177.2 : The Result) containing the actual result with screenshot as proof .   

Stay alert for the publishing of:

"ThePredictionSeries 177.2 : The Result", as of 7:00 UTC 

Come back everyday to see the actual price evolution of Bitcion(BTC), Ethereum(ETH), SPOT(SPOT )and Ampleforth(AMPL):



Below, you'll see also a snapshot from the Livecoinwatch website with the $price of  AMPL and SPOT.

At the specified moment the snapshot was taken , you will be able to compare the frozen$ price of Ampleforth and SPOT, with the actual $AMPL and $SPOT from the CoinGecko widget under the snapshot.

Looking up in the prediction history below, you can go back to each day from the past predictions (as of January 7), to see the $AMPL and $SPOT snapshots at that day and compare it with the CoinGecko widget under the snapshots, with the actual $AMPL and $SPOT.

Snapshot taken on saturday, january 14  2023 at 4:59  am UTC

Click in the picture to enlarge the image.


Snapshot taken on saturday, january 14  2023 at 5:05  am UTC


Click in the picture to enlarge the image.





  • Since a few days it can be noted up here in the widget from CoinGecko that the $price of Spot is not moving  and is standing constantly on $1.17..
  • Find the updated post in Excelencia's TheCryptoComparisonSeries here. (about PIVX)


                                            Prediction History:

January 2023: P=Prediction, R= Result of the Prediction, mo-tue-wed-thu-fri-sat- Su =days of the week.

fri 13:P | 13: Rthu 12: P | 12: Rwed 11: P| 11: Rtue 10: P | 10: R |   mo 9: P | 9: RSu 8: P | 8: Rsat 7: P |7: Rfri 6: P | 6:R | thu 5:P | 5:R | wed 4: P | 4:R | tue 3:P | 3:R | mo 2:P | 2:R |Su 1:P |1:R

Cheers and may You all have a wonderfull saturday today !


Featured in this prediction post 177.1  are the posts that were positioned at rank 1 and 2 at the moment the prediction 176.1 entered yesterday friday at the correctly predicted rank 3 in the NEW rubric on PublishOx:

1. A walk in the sun, a beautiful sunset and a change of walking plans - My Actifit Report Card: January 12 2023

By marianomariano68 | Arts, Music, Photography & Hobby, cooking, eating | 21 hours ago


2. Sports Betting-Predictions!!

By Gouzgou_Maitre | Gouzgou View | 21 hours ago




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Thumbnail Image  by Jen Theodore on Unsplash, edited by Excelencia.                                




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