E&S Token Review: FTX Token (FTT)

Hello Publish0x community and welcome back in this new article of my “Easy & Short Cryptocurrencies Made Accessible” area.

With this article we are going to introduce the 40th cryptocurrency of this section with the 86th “E&S” article.

Today we will talk about FTX Token (FTT)!

In the last review, I talked about KuCoin (KCS) If you missed my last review, you can recover it here: https://www.publish0x.com/easyshort-cryptocurrencies-made-accessible/e-and-s-kcs-start-your-crypto-journey-with-kucoin-xxzjddw

What is FTX?

An MIT physicist, Sam Bankman-Fried created this innovative cryptocurrency exchange in 2018 and launched it the following year, with the backing of a large financial institution: La Alameda Research. The company was co-founded by Gary Wang, and their idea was to offer a platform that would provide traders with a whole range of new cryptocurrency-related investment tools.

For being a recent exchange, it is achieving great success and has achieved high trading volumes, ranking third among crypto exchanges by daily traded volume. As I am writing this article, FTX has about $10 billion in volume traded every 24 hours. In addition, the giant Binance has decided to bet on this exchange and invest in it. Binance's supremacy is absolute, but it does not want to leave it to its opponents to take over new markets.


FTX fees

FTX remains a cryptocurrency exchange site despite offering a whole range of derivatives. The exchanges charge commissions that decrease as the monthly volume of trades executed on FTX increases.

The starting level involves a 0.02% of maker fee and a 0.07% taker fee. These numbers can go down if you hold FTT tokens or if you execute transactions of more than $2 millions over a 30-day period. If you transfer cryptocurrencies to the exchange site, you will not pay deposit or withdrawal fees.

For all fee details check this page: https://help.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024479432-Fees

Advantages and disadvantages of FTX


  • Advanced trading features including derivatives and margining.
  • Smooth user experience.
  • Competitive commissions.


  • Fewer cryptocurrencies than other competitors
  • Few customer service options
  • No staking or earn services


In addition to the trading platform accessible directly from the FTX website, this exchange also offers a very comprehensive App.

If you are interested in analyzing the markets and making cryptocurrency forecasts to guide you in your strategies, better to use a PC screen. The smartphone is not suitable for studying charts, but it can help you keep track of your orders even when you are not in front of a computer screen. If you are interested in the App of this Exchange, know that it is available for free for iOS and Android users and you can download it from the respective stores.


Next week we'll see new things about this exchange!

I invite you to follow me so you don't miss the second part of the article that will be released next Sunday.

Are you already a FTX user? Or do you prefer other exchanges? Let me know in a comment.

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MikeZillo Verified Member

Daily Trader, Mining Farm Project Manager, Blockchain consultant, Cryptocurrency evangelist. You can find more videos here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvyXx6I1C__zmLAYUXNZwQQ? Telegram: @mikezillo

Easy&Short. Cryptocurrencies made accessible
Easy&Short. Cryptocurrencies made accessible

In this section, we are going to create two article per each cryptocurrency/token. The first one will be technical, with a simplification of the Whitepaper and the second one will be about particulars of the coin. For example staking yields, particular functions and so on! I am sure you will like this very much!

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