On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 57

On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 57

By DBuzz | D.Buzz | 27 Nov 2021

What's the good word, D.Buzz fam!

Welcome to the weekend.

The weekend gives us time to reflect on what happened during the week. What are your thoughts? Most people take the time to look back over their week and think about what things they did wrong. But, why not celebrate what you did right, too? Maybe you started a new job, found a new hobby, or learned a new skill. Whatever you accomplished, it deserves to be celebrated! The weekend is a time to take a step back and be proud of how much you accomplished this week. It’s also a time to take inventory of what you need to do this coming week. Use this time to look back on the previous days of this week with a sense of achievement instead of shame. Use your time wisely so your next weeks are successful.

Authors this week on D.Buzz, we think we're super successful! @kari2608 captured a really creative and interesting angle to make a fun photo. It took us a second to figure out what was happening, but we love it!

On the topic of love, @honeycombs captured a microphotography picture of rose petals. A photo like that makes us smile and feel happy.

Roses are not the only thing that makes people feel happy - cakes can make people smile too, and @godlovermel25 shared with us a photo of their child about to dive into a beautiful cake. Yummmm.

@birjudanak also decided to post a photo of a delicious looking sandwich that he too was about to dive into. Yes, that sandwich looks great - please send us one! Also, @agimat posted about their crispy barbecue, which makes for a nice afternoon meal.

It is important to eat in the afternoon, so you can go out at night to see spectacular events, such as the laser light show that @lovewater66 shared with us. Totally spectacular!

We also want to give a shout out of encouragement to @k5905200786 who is doing the 30-day D.Buzz challenge. They are now on level II day number 26. WOW! Congratulations @k5905200786. Kkeep it up!

Speaking of encouragement and gratitude, @invisiblepoetry shared with us a motivational and inspirational moment of self- reflection and gratitude, reminding us all to take a moment and look inward.

I hope that this article has given you food for thought. I hope that you have the chance to complete your bucket list, whether it’s to travel, do something crazy for charity, or take a mental journey by journaling. Remember that no matter how small your goals are, they are still goals, and having completed them will give you the satisfaction of making it happen. You’ve got this!

Have an amazing weekend everybody. See you back here again tomorrow for our recap of the week!


Go forth and be amazing this weekend!



Week #57 (Starting | 11/22/2021)



@kari2608 https://d.buzz/#/@kari2608/c/9i89sgy887yyw0imxv018c

@agimat https://d.buzz/#/@agimat/c/xyo9bpcshm7smhn7q2o40g

@honeycombs https://d.buzz/#/@honeycombs/c/s8iumuf4c3d7s2m4ae8gil

@godlovermel25 https://d.buzz/#/@godlovermel25/c/dngdk431fkdjg7yft5qe5z

@birjudanak https://d.buzz/#/@birjudanak/c/92nbzzeh1dzbnaznbruihg

@lovewater66 https://peakd.com/hive193084/@lovewater66/yf1mbnz0qo6f4oetpxd9ul

@k5905200786 https://d.buzz/#/@k5905200786/c/6kn16n7agk7t8w9a8uaa0j

@invisiblepoetry https://d.buzz/#/@invisiblepoetry/c/jh6m79j3v12vox7l20u0xl

Congratulations to all of you - your content and imagery inspires us to post more.

Keep being amazing!

  • What do you think about the way this program is going?

  • How can we improve it?

Want to sponsor a week of rewards?

You seem like a cool kid. Would you like to sponsor a week's worth of D.Buzz rewards? If so, reach out to us on Discord (https://discord.gg/qjpD4nY8) and let us know.

In exchange for being a sponsor, we would thank you in each of the reward posts, i.e. "This reward is brought to you by X", and thank you on our weekly summary.

How do you earn an On-The-Spot Reward?

  • Quite simple! Post quality content on D.Buzz. :D

Looking for inspiration?

You can also jump in on the 30-day Buzzing challenge.

Start today and see where it takes you. ;)

  • 30-Day Challenge Level I : GO LV 1

  • 30-Day Challenge Level II : GO LV 2

  • 30-Day challenge Level III : Go LV 3

  • 30-Day challenge Level IV : Go LV4

What did you discover this week that you really liked? Let us know in the comments section below!

And as always, keep on Buzzing!

As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.

- The D.BUZZ


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A censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship-resistant and built for the community with love.

We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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