Daily NFT rewards for the player-versus-player matches at Dark Country Game

Daily NFT Rewards for the Most Active Players Launched

By Dark Country | Dark Country game | 16 Jan 2023

For pleasant extra motivation, we will gift Dark Country’s epic and rare NFT cards & common heroes to 5 players each day based on the PvP victories rating. Thus, custom games are exempt from rewards.

Mechanics of the tweak

The first place always takes an NFT card from Standard Expansion as a daily reward.
The rarity type of card depends on the day of the week and follows in order:

  • rare card drops on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Friday;
  • epic cards — on Saturday and Sunday.

Winners will receive a message about their victory via an in-game email after the leaderboard is deployed.
As for use cases of the trophies, after winning users can stake heroes in the game and then use them in land quests.

Download the Dark Country game and get all the perks.

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Thank you for checking out what we’ve been working on, we look forward to seeing you battling out in the Dark Country soon! We hope you are enjoying the game.

Dark Country Team 🧛‍♂️

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Dark Country
Dark Country

Dark Country is american gothic game world with items, created, owned and managed by players. Dark Country supports Ethereum, EOS, TRX, WAX and other networks. Also we support any other regular currency and cryptocurrency.

Dark Country game
Dark Country game

Dark Country is american gothic game world with items, created, owned and managed by players. Based on the classic Collectible Card Games (CCG), we offer you to open the full potential of your items tangibility with our game modes. Dark Country supports Ethereum, EOS, TRX, WAX and other networks. Also we support any other regular currency and cryptocurrency.

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