

In this blog i'll write about crypto news, projects i follow, charts, giveaways and much much more!

More Stakenet facts as the Lightning Dex launch approach

27 Feb 2020 1 minute read 2 comments DaniBom

There is no set date yet, but testing keeps going at a very quick pace and it reached v 1.90 Stakenet ($XSN) is building a Lightning Dex, a one click solution to trade $BTC, $LTC, $XSN, $ETH (and it's tokens via Raiden) and all lightning compatible c...

Stakecube close to coming back online after the hack!

26 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment DaniBom

One of my favorites platform, Stakecube, was victim of a small hack a few days ago; a good amount of their native coin SCC was stolen, plus some BTC, DOGE, LTC and DASH. The team liquidated their DASH Masternode to cover the losses and funds are alre...

DLIVE Lino token swap to $BTT just started!

25 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

As you may know the popular streaming platform DLIVE was integrated into the Tron ecosystem a few weeks ago. Starting yesterday, all Non-US Lino holders can swap their Lino Tokens at a 3% premium on Poloniex and the option will be open until April 14...

Roiseland and Boe bring 2 more gold to Norway at the Biathlon World Championships

24 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

The closing day of the 2020 Antholz Biathlon World Championships bring more glory to Norway, with a double gold from Marte Olsbu Røiseland and Johannes Thingnes Boe in the Mass Start race. After a slow start with 2 penalties in the first shootings, M...

Norway and France dominates the Relays at the Biathlon World Championships!

23 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

The two favorites nations bring home the gold medal in the teams relays at the Biathlon World Championships 2020 in Antholz, that will end in a few hours with the mass start races. Marte Olsbu Røiseland closed the women's relays with a perfect shooti...

DigiByte Foundation & Safe Haven announce partnership

22 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment DaniBom

Two of my favorite projects, DigiByte ($DGB), an "old" coin and the first ever crypto I bought, and Safe Heaven ($SHA), an amazing "idea" running on the VET blockchain just announced a partnership. This partnership will include the future integration...

Martin Fourcade writes another page in the history of Biathlon World Championships!

20 Feb 2020 2 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

The legendary Martin Fourcade took home another record in the history of Biathlon, winning his 4th title in the Individual race at the World Championships. Fourcade took control after the first standing stage, then dominated the rest of the men’s 20...

Legendary Dorothea Wierer in Antholz 2020

19 Feb 2020 3 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Dorothea Wierer went from 24th to 17th to 9th to IBU 15 km Individual World Champion in the span of just 43:07.7 this afternoon, taking her second Gold medal of these Championships and entering legendary status for Italian's in Winter Sports! Wierer...

Skynet is coming! Shout out to the SIA team!

18 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment DaniBom

The war for a free internet is ongoing and the tech developed by the SIA team is going to impact it! Siacoin (SC) is a leading cloud storage platform that does not have sign-ups, servers, or trusted third parties. Sia leverages blockchain technology...

Dorothea Wierer wins Gold in home stadium at the Biathlon World Championships!

17 Feb 2020 2 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Italy’s Dorothea Wierer won a Gold medal battle with Sprint World champion Marte Olsbu Røiseland, came away with a single penalty in the last standing stage, while her rival had two, sealing the IBU World Championships Pursuit Gold medal in her home...