

In this blog i'll write about crypto news, projects i follow, charts, giveaways and much much more!

It's AltSeason coming? I bought some coins today!

6 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment DaniBom

People have been screaming about altseason for months, the latest movements in big alt like $ETH and $XRP, going up together with $BTC might suggest that a reversal is finally coming. Nothing is certain, but momentum seems shifting and overall sentim...

$TSLA going parabolic near 1000$ and someone on Crypto Twitter predicted it 8 months ago!

5 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

I don't follow stocks much, but i've subscribed to a twitter list of altcoin traders and some of them trades also stocks, or put out news about them. One of these account, a small one with a little over 2000 followers, is enjoying his call these days...

DOGE still in accumulation zone at the lows! Is a reversal near?

4 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

DOGEcoin was created as an experiment but has stood the test of time due to its enduring position as a mascot for the community; it's widely used as a mean to introduce new people to crypto; it's fast, cheap to transact, listed almost everywhere and...

Stakenet released DEX API, new test version. Lighting DEX getting closer to launch!

3 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

The X9 developers team is working no stop on the first dapp built on top of the Stakenet (XSN) blockchain: the Lighting DEX! Last week the dev team has worked on: - API public launch +improvements - DEX orderbook & LN channel optimizations - Fee opti...

Stakecube lists RavenCoin ($RVN)

2 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Every month Stakecube is listing for free a new coin among the top100 of coinmarketcap. In january RavenCoin ($RVN) was added to the exchange; you can deposit, trade and earn RVN on Stakecube.

It's SUPERBOWL sunday! Who do you pick?

2 Feb 2020 1 minute read 1 comment DaniBom

Super Bowl LIV is only a few hours away, and in Miami the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers will battle for the title! The Chiefs are the favorite for the bookmakers, but by a very small margin (-1.5), while the over/under line is set at...

SIACOIN (SC) launching SiaStream Beta!

1 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Siacoin genesis block was June 6th 2015, so this coins is over 4 years old, a very long time in crypto. Sia provides a decentralized cloud storage, where you can store your files and data on the cloud with privacy and without the risk of being kicked...

NBA All-Star Reserves announced!

31 Jan 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

The NBA Announced the 14 reserves selected for the 2020 All-Star Game that will be played in Chicago. Biggest snubs hands down Devin Booker in the West (AGAIN) and Bradley Beal, that deserved a spot on the east team.

Is QUANT (QNT) ready for it's next parabolic move?

30 Jan 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Quant Network Overledger ($QNT) is a very interesting and fundamentally sound project, with many partnerships (the latest announced in December with Simba Chain and Constellation Network). $QNT is a ERC-20 token that can be traded on Bittrex Global,...

New Lbry CODE! Get some free LBC!

29 Jan 2020 1 minute read 0 comments DaniBom

Watching a new video interview with LBRY CEO Jeremy Kauffmann on lbry.tv , he gave out a new code for some free LBC. I don't know how many, because i can't use it since it's only meant for new users and i've been verified on the platform for more tha...