Video: Zero fee BTC - USDT swap (via Lightning and Connext) in beta on the Stakenet Dex. The end of high fees for BTC and ETH is near

By DaniBom | danibom | 21 Apr 2021

This video was made by a member of the closed beta testing team.
Instant exchange of native BTC with native USDT with near-zero fee.
This can be done using Lightning Network (for BTC) and Connext network (for ETH, BSC, Matic and more).

This is a game-changer, instant and zero-fee, no infinite wait for the Bitcoin blockchain and high gas fee on Ethereum.

The DEX will work with an order book as you see in the video and as well with a simple swap UI, easier to use for casual traders.

If you don't own any $XSN, this is the right time to buy some on BitfinexWhitebit or Stakecube , one of the few coins that haven't moved yet and at support


Instant TXs and settlements.
Near-zero fees.
No wrapping.
API supported.



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