Stakenet Roadmap Update! Eth and Connext integration over 90%

By DaniBom | danibom | 27 Mar 2021

New update from the Stakenet ($XSN) hard-working team!

The roadmap was updated, for the complete info check the medium post!

The main takeaways I get is that the Connext integration reached 95%, allowing for the trade of ETH and ERC20's on L2 without gas fee; negative maker fees also reached 95% and the SSUI (Simple swap UI) is at 90%.

Starting next week the team will send an information series which will cover various topics such as DEX vs CEX, Layer 1 vs 2, Lightning network etc. so keep your eyes peeled for these!

The devs and closed beta members are stress-testing the Dex and the light wallet right now and very soon new people will be added on an invitation basis, allowing for the scaling of the infrastructure.

Awaiting the launch of the dex $XSN can be bought on BitfinexWhitebit or Stakecube

For more info join the Stakenet's Discord

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