VeChain to break the 20-month record at the big conference

By DHEagle | CryptoTent | 5 Jul 2020

The momentum seen in altcoins recently also shows its effect on VeChain. The crypto money of the corporate-oriented project, which aims to revolutionize supply chain management using blockchain technology, has reached an unprecedented level in dollars since November 2018. There has been a serious revival in VET since April. The cryptocurrency has seen $ 0.0119 as of today and rose 325 percent from the $ 0.0028 level. VET was finally able to find buyers at these levels in October 2018.


Now there is an important event in front of VeChain. In a statement made yesterday by VeChain, the project reportedly participated in the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference organized by China's Shanghai local government. This conference is seen as an important opportunity for VeChain. Giants like Amazon, Microsoft and Alibaba will also attend the conference, the largest of its kind. In addition, VeChain will open the first Blockchain technology session at the conference titled “Blockchain Future, Strengthen the Economy”.


The conference will be held from 9 July 2020 to 11 July 2020. The conference will be held online due to social distance policies and the closure of the borders due to the Kovid-19 outbreak.

VeChain (VET), one of the top 25 cryptocurrencies with a market value of about $ 650 million, is changing hands at $ 0.0116 during the news release.

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