This Is My Reaction To The Post "Should I Invest In BAT?"

Recently I read the post "Should I Invest In BAT?" here on publishOx, written by the author TheCryptoInvestor who is saying about himself "I am a good article writer and have lots of knowledge about the crypto world."


In this post, we are given "4 Reasons to require an edge in BAT" by the author. One good reason is in the author's opinion a "Possible Coinbase Listing":

On July 13, Coinbase announced that they are considering the listing of 5 cryptocurrencies on their platform, including 2 ERC-20 tokens, namely ZRX and BAT. This shows the credibility of the BAT token and therefore the way strong its potential is.

There is no timeline given for the listing; neither is there any guarantee that the coin are getting to be listed. The announcement is for Coinbase to be transparent with the general public, and avoid any problems with trading within the company .

However if Coinbase does list BAT on its platform, it'll likely cause a greater adoption of the cryptocurrency. Notably, a Coinbase listing has always been followed by a substantial surge in value of any cryptocurrency.


This is the end of the post. I made a screenshot.


BAT is a good investment because Coinbase will possibly list BAT? 

Since the November 8, 2018 it is possible to trade BAT!

So the almighty Coinbase effect has already taken place a long time ago!

Therefore it is false to say "However if Coinbase does list BAT on its platform, it'll likely cause a greater adoption of the cryptocurrency. Notably, a Coinbase listing has always been followed by a substantial surge in value of any cryptocurrency."

That`s why I decided to leave in a comment. I did but my comment was immediately deleted by the author. At first, I was kind of "OK" with this because I thought also other readers will recognize this false information but then I had to see how this post gained more and more attention.

By now the post already has got 24 likes and got tipped over 0.81 dollars. So it`s among the most popular post on publishOx right now. This post is so popular that it has already found it`s way up to the frontpage. This circumstance that the post gained so much popularity in the community let me wonder why. Why?

I decided to write another comment, but this time replying to another user who already commented because I know that in this case, the author does not receive any information that I left a comment on his post. Until now it`s not deleted. 😎351665157-db66d80f2475d6a0eba97c05dd81c58d35ef05dd63332eb882300a8782e75c09.png

I believe there are two reasons why this post gained that much popularity:

1. many didn`t read until the end and just wanted to spend their tips

2. Not many people here on publishOx are registered on Coinbase

What do you think why a post with such evident false information is gaining so much popularity in the community?


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