Real traders speak on YouTube

Real traders speak - listen and learn!

By tokyobitcoiner | Cryptokyo | 25 Apr 2021

YouTube has a lot of posts using the tag "trading", from the obvious scam "pay for my course, join my community", to some less obvious ones and then some real trader content. Here is a selection of that real content!

Real traders

Humbled Trader - from Canada the Humbled Trader shows trading as it is, up days, down days, she talks about different platforms and set ups and is self-aware.

Humbled Trader

Momentum Monday - Ivano Ivanhoff and Howard Lindzon, both of Stocktwits fame, riff on the past and coming weeks, looking for momentum in stocks with some crypto talk from Howard

Momentum Monday

All Star Charts - JC's  channel especially if you are into Technical Analysis

All Star

The Realistic Trader - from the UK, Norwich in fact, Siam Kidd has built a community of traders and offer thoughts on stocks, investment, crypto and business.

Realistic Trader

Are there any other channels YOU follow?

Put some links in the comments with a description!

**This is the second post in my "Experiment" see here to find out what I mean.

Thumbnail photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash



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tokyobitcoiner Survivor of numerous cycles, Tokyo resident


I’m just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.

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