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Crypto Earning Apps and Games Reviewed: Scam or Score?

At one point when I had time on my hands, I decided to try a few crypto-earning apps and games to see if any of them are worth using or if they're all just scams. What I found is that most of them are scams (unsurprisingly), but every once in a while there's a rose among the thorns. I've tried only a handful, but there are hundreds out there, since every crypto-enthusiast/scammer who can get an app on Google Play or the Apple Store seems to have jumped on the bandwagon. (Google seems alarmingly forgiving of failure to deliver if the app is released as a "testing" or "trial" version. It also makes user feedback/reviews nearly impossible to find, since only the developer can see them. Many developers of the apps in question seem to exploit this.)

For each app, I'll be presenting the following information:

  • Name (Heading/Title)
  • Premise (Blurb on the store page/advert)
  • Actual Experience (mine)
  • Legitimacy Rating (Does it pay?)

Banano/Doge/Nano Now (Discontinued)

  • Premise: Claim the specified crypto once every thirty minutes/twelve hours and perform various tasks
  • Actual Experience: True to premise
  • Rating: Legitimate (actually paid out, before being discontinued/removed from stores)

Bingo Arena

  • Premise: Play competitive bingo to earn cash
  • Actual Experience: Play competitive bingo against players from around the world to earn points
  • Rating: Fake (doesn't allow entering payment details; shows an endless stream of ads to reduce payout timer)

Bitcoin Cut Master

  • Premise: Stab rotating coins to earn crypto
  • Actual Experience: Stab rotating coins and watch ads to earn points that supposedly translate into BTC/BUSD on payout
  • Rating: Fake (requires payment from user in order to enable payout)

BTC Link

  • Premise: Merge different crypto coins to earn BTC or fiat cash
  • Actual Experience: Watch a lot of adverts to accumulate points
  • Rating: Fake (doesn't pay out, since it pushes you to watch yet more adverts to reduce a timer that resets every day)

BTC 2 Moon (BTC to the Moon)

  • Premise: Collide coins to earn BTC/ETH
  • Actual Experience: Watch ads to accumulate points
  • Rating: Fake (doesn't pay out)

Crypto Carnival

  • Premise: Match coloured balls to earn crypto
  • Actual Experience: Swap and match balls to earn points
  • Rating: Fake (crashes and resets score when attempting to withdraw)

Dice Master Jump-Jump

  • Premise: Jump around a board, collecting jems
  • Actual Experience: Jump around a board, collect jems and watch adverts
  • Rating: Fake (doesn't pay out)

Emoji Legend

  • Premise: Merge matching emojis to earn crypto
  • Actual Experience: 2048-style merge game, using emojis instead of numbers
  • Rating: Fake (has no withdrawal/payout functionality)

Tip Nano

  • Premise: Claim Nano once every two to four hours
  • Actual Experience: Faucet claims are once every four hours. Watch three adverts once every hour to receive rewards. Includes a leveling and percentage mechanism so that the more you use it without withdrawing, the higher your rewards.
  • Rating: Legitimate (actually pays out, once you've stacked at least 3 million nautrino; 1 million nautrino = 1 XNO)
  • Ref Code: iQjIIN ("I"s might be lowercase "l"s; it's difficult to tell.)


  • Premise: Upload photos and videos to sell for Nano
  • Actual Experience: True to premise (including NSFW material); hides content behind blur and mosaic filters until items are purchased.
  • Rating: Legitimate (actually accumulates a balance that can be withdrawn to a specified Nano address/wallet)


These are but a drop in the ocean of what's out there (including Water Puzzle Master, which I often see come up in adverts but have yet to try), since I could write a list as long as my arm (and probably conclude that the app is fake for most of them). If you're looking for apps that actually pay out, Nano (XNO) seems to be the way to go, with Tip Nano and Vixxi.

Thumbnail image: Vixxi logo, Copyright

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto
Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto

The content of this blog is exclusively to do with online privacy/security, cryptography and cryptocurrency: Understanding it, investing in it, mining it (in groups/crowds), developing/programming it, the social problems it aims to solve and the various ways to make more of it (or not, as various losses and failures happen). Let's get away from banksters, Capitalists and fiat, to an unbanked anarcho-syndicalist commune. || Banner image: Blogger's own.

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