Felipe Huicochea from Cripto Monedas TV joins me on this weeks Crypto Cousins Podcast
Listen & subscribe on iTunes @ https://goo.gl/mWLDFx
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Produced by https://CryptoCousins.com
By Gary Leland the Bitcoin Boomer | CryptoCousins | 8 Jan 2019
Felipe Huicochea from Cripto Monedas TV joins me on this weeks Crypto Cousins Podcast
Listen & subscribe on iTunes @ https://goo.gl/mWLDFx
Watch & subscribe on YouTube @ https://youtu.be/7NsS9kcvJbg
Produced by https://CryptoCousins.com
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I produce the Crypto Cousins Podcast, the 4 Minute Bitcoin Show and the BitBlockBoom Bitcoin Conference in Dallas, Texas.
If you want to keep up to date with whats happening in the world of Bitcoin then you will love the 4 Minute Crypto Show. As the name suggest these short, 4 minute or less shows are quick and sweet.
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