Ripple x Forte = ?

Ripple and XRP in Gaming for Dummies - This is how Ripple is Expanding XRP Ecosystem to Gaming

By wonderman | Crypto-Stuff | 5 Apr 2020



Ripple announced their partnership with Forte in March 2019 through their XPRING arm, which is in charge of expanding the XRP ecosystem.


Even though it sounded like a very positive development, as a non-gamer I was clueless to what role Ripple and XRP would play in gaming and why that would be such a revolutionary thing... Well, that was until I recently came across Kevin Chou explaining what seems to be a huge problem for the gaming industry and how blockchain industry (and due to their partnership with Forte, Ripple) can help turn that problem into an opportunity for both the game developers and game players.


To start with, Kevin Chou explains how he believes blockchain is perfectly aligned with the digital nature of games.




He then goes on to explain how blockchain can revolutionize peripheral markets, making peer-to-peer exchanges safer but also creating opportunities for the involved parties.



If you want to watch the complete video:




The insights from Kevin demonstrate in fairly simple terms why Ripple is looking to tap into this industry to help them solve a problem, while further growing the use case of XRP. 


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