Portfolio building - The Crypto experiment (intro)

I had enough of DEFI and high gas fees. But i will put my math skills to good use with the following experiment:

I will use one of my account to claim from 5 kind of faucets, and i will check weekly to see what happen. They are all of them working together in synergy. 

I will use the following ones:

1. Coinpot - Moon faucets with the multiplier trick, to claim Bitcoin (BTC)

2. GetZen faucet  to claim Horizen (ZEN)

3. Cryptofaucet to claim Verge (XVG)

4. Globalhive to claim Zcash (ZEC)

5. Pipeflare to claim Zcash (ZEC) and PIVX

I choosed these 5 for the following reasons: Coinpot alone can use the multiplier trick to enhance claims (see Thomas Wolf article for more information), Getzen, Globalhive and Pipeflare because all three of them offer multiplier bonus in a 6 days cycle, with one extra claim on day 5 and decent refferal up to the Tier 4 as bonus, and Cryptofaucet because of the high number of refferals using it. These are the only faucets that i use at the moment, to quantify if the effort is worthy or not. I will update the claims weekly for a month, and i am starting from tomorrow. 

See you in one week!



My crypto-related links  (check ratings - 1 to 5 stars based on my personal experience)


Games to gain crypto

***** League of Kingdoms - link here: similar with Heroes of Might and Magic or RoK (worldwide - paying in DAI)

***** DogeWars - link here (paying in Doge, 10-100 Doge initial investment, fight bosses and 1vs1 arena)



***** Binance( good for staking/savings ) - link here

***** Kucoin( good for staking/savings ) - link here

***** Coinbase( ideal for beginners )- link here  

****ChangeNOW (make your own exchange widget) - link here



**** BlockFi (decent interest rates, but less choices than Celsius) - link here

***** Celsius.network (good rates of interests and monthly codes for free crypto, 1235256530 => my referral for $10 bonus  ) - link here

**** Coinbundle (investing in crypto bundles) - link here  

**** Stakecube (staking, masternodes and very easy to claim faucets for 28 coins/tokens) - link here


Wallets for multiple cryptocurrencies

***** Coinpot - link here (microwallet for all Moon faucets, Bitfun and Bonusbitcoin)

***** Atomic wallet - link here (microwallet for Publish0x DAI, BAT and Loopring)

***** Sphere wallet (for Horizen, combined with the faucet for extra bonus) - link here  

**** Crypto.com wallet (good interest staking and 50$ bonus in MCO) - link here


Free crypto (faucets and more)

***** Pipeflare faucet (ZEC & PIVX) - link here

****Lbry.tv (free crypto for watching or making videos) - link here

****Bitfun( 3 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

****Bonusbitcoin( 15 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

****Moon Bitcoin ( 5 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

***Moon Bitcoin Cash ( 5 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

****Moon Litecoin ( 5 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

****Moon Dogecoin ( 5 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

***Moon Dash ( 5 min countdown - automatically deposit to Coinpot wallet ) - link here

***** Horizen faucet ( 20 hours countdown - automatically deposit to Sphere wallet - bonus ) - link here

***** Zcash daily faucet (20 hours cooldown - automatically deposit to Binance- bonus) - link here

*** Tezos faucet ( 7 days countdown - automatically deposit to Coinbase or Binance wallet ) - link here

** Tron,LTC, XVG and other crypto faucet (24 hours countdown) - link here  



***** Publish0x blog (Free BAT, DAI and Loopring for reading/writing - can combine with Atomic wallet) - link here

***** Brave browser (Free BAT for using it, based on paid ads, very good AdBlocker and high speed) - link here    

***** Presearch search engine (Free PRE for using it, works well in combination with Brave browser) - link here    

***** Dot.Crypto domains for life (ERC721 with UnstoppableDomains - $10 discount of first purchase) - link here


Disclaimer: This text also can be re-published on my personal blogs, such as this one.


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I am a writer, gamer, healthcare professional. I am.

Crypto - I tested it, so you didn't need to...
Crypto - I tested it, so you didn't need to...

About everything related to Bitcoin, altcoins, blockchain games, AI and similar things. Upcoming initial coin offerings (ICOs) would be described and analysed and different coins and tokens trends can be followed here. I hope you will enjoy reading it and finding something new. Other digital assets can be mentioned or explained. Basically i will talk about my point of view, unbiased or not. Do not take it as financial advice and always, i mean always do your own research. Some of them can be referrals.

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