
Ethereum Critic and Vitalik Buterin argued If PoS is a Punishment?

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 14 Sep 2022

Ethereum critic Udi Wertheimer has considered the rewards from PoS as no-yield and hinted at it as a penalty for those who do not stake. In his argument, Wertheimer also calls the stakers fools.

It can be assumed that when Wertheimer made his claim, he was targeting the process of transitioning Ethereum from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake. In such a situation, Vitalik Buterin also did not lag behind.

     Vitalik responded by saying that PoW penalises those who have more coin percentage and less  hashpower percentage .With this, Vitalik argued that profit is always less than revenue. Vitalik was pointing out that by such logic, PoW will become a punishment for non-miners, ie for those who do not use their mining efforts and investment.

     That argument is odd-even type, and not completely understandable, because if market is up, this cannot be considered as punishment to non investors, and when market is down, it won't be a gain for non investors. Simply, PoS has no effect on those who do not stake.


      In my opinion, PoS rewards are a form of passive income for those who have actively invested their assets. However, people's assets will be locked for their staking period, and we yet have to know what ETH 2.0 staking time is.

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