Last Guild Brawl and a Legendary Gladiator Card

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 10 Nov 2024

Xulax Nightwind AI art by NightCafe

Hello Splinterlands Summoners! Another Brawl was finished and as usual, I'll be going through our guild's performance and then buy some packs.

Brawl Performance

I did poorly this time scoring just 3 out of 9 or a 33% win rate.


Consequently, our guild placed 7th this time. We earned 5.1k Merits and 62 SPS.


Buying Gladius Packs

I have 7k Merits which was good enough to buy 3 packs. Each pack has 5 cards with one guaranteed rare or higher. I hope I get lucky this time.



A Legendary!

Today was a great pull! I got a new legendary card, Death this time.


Xulax Nightwind is a legendary Death card. At level 1, it has the stats and abilities of a good tank. He deals 3 melee damage, has 7 armor and 7 health. As he levels up he becomes one of the best tanks in the game. Check out his abilities:

Level 1 - Void armor
Level 2 - Thorns
Level 3 - Void
Level 4 - Magic Reflect

All those abilities make him anti-melee and anti-magic tank. Only ranged can deal damage to him without being counter attacked. Even at level 1, I'd like to try him in battle against a magic team.

Thank you for reading and see you on the next Brawl!

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