Euro 2020 Tuesday 1/8 Finals Previews

By costanza | Costanza Sports Betting | 29 Jun 2021

I am following the European Football Championship making previews on all matches while having some fun betting small stakes.


Monday was really fun with 2 crazy matches and again both big favorites in this tournament failing to beat their handicap. I feel I made the good choices for the live betting action going with Spain to score a 3rd goal and France to mostly create corners after getting behind.

Day #16 Bets


Total Day 16 Results 4 Bets | 2W-1L-1P | Staked 0.24 Units | +0.105 Units Profit

Total Starting Bankroll at risk = 2 Units

  • Full Flat Stake being 0.2 Units
  • Medium Stake 0.15 Units
  • Small Stake 0.10 Units
  • Tiny Stake 0.05 Units

2 more matches today with especially the first one looking to get really interesting






Late info might change my view on what is written in these previews. I will cover these matches live in our SBC Discord Channel My Bankroll on this tournament is only 2 units with full stake bets being 0.2 units. I take all my Pre-Game & Live bets with my Betting Broker Sportmarket Pro who always provides the best offers on the market with a 1 click solution and doesn't limit winning players offering high limits. For more info check my Sportmarket Pro Review


Euro 2020 Betting Results

Day 16 Results 04 Bets | 2W-1L-1P | Staked 0.24 Units | +0.105 Units Profit
Day 15 Results 07 Bets | 2W-4L-1P | Staked 0.35 Units | -0.108 Units Loss..
Day 14 Results 02 Bets | 0W-2L-0P | Staked 0.10 Units | -0.100 Units Loss...
Day 13 Results 03 Bets | 2W-1L-0P | Staked 0.16 Units | -0.020 Units Loss..
Day 12 Results 04 Bets | 2W-2L-0P | Staked 0.20 Units | +0.062 Units Profit
Day 11 Results 09 Bets | 3W-5L-1P | Staked 0.38 Units | -0.089 Units Loss..
Day 10 Results 04 Bets | 2W-2L-0P | Staked 0.28 Units | +0.027 Units Profit
Day 09 Results 05 Bets | 1W-3L-1P | Staked 0.38 Units | +0.019 Units Profit
Day 08 Results 05 Bets | 2W-3L-1P | Staked 0.41 Units | -0.116 Units Loss..
Day 07 Results 05 Bets | 2W-2L-1P | Staked 0.38 Units | +0.165 Units Profit
Day 06 Results 10 Bets | 5W-5L-0P | Staked 0.74 Units | +0.241 Units Profit
Day 05 Results 04 Bets | 2W-1L-1P | Staked 0.25 Units | +0.099 Units Profit
Day 04 Results 08 Bets | 5W-3L-0P | Staked 0.43 Units | +0.155 Units Profit
Day 03 Results 11 Bets | 4W-6L-1P | Staked 0.78 Units | +0.106 Units Profit
Day 02 Results 11 Bets | 4W-6L-1P | Staked 0.85 Units | +0.089 Units Profit
Day 01 Results 04 Bets | 2W-2L-0P | Staked 0.30 Units | -0.0195 Units Loss..

Total 96 Bets | 40W-48L-8P | Units Staked 6.23 | +0.608 Profit | +9.76% ROI




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Costanza Sports Betting

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